APSA Asian Solanaceous Cucurbit Round Table 2024

Keynote address on solanaceous crops
Genomic selection and gene editing in hot pepper

Dr. Byoung-Cheorl Kang
Professor, School of Plant Science and Center for Plant Molecular Genetics and Breeding Research
Seoul National University, South Korea

Byoung-Cheorl Kang works as a professor at Seoul National University, with appointments in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Bioresources, the Laboratory of Horticultural Crop Breeding, and the Vegetable Research Center. He obtained his MSc (1990) and Ph.D. (1999) from Seoul National University. From 2000 to 2003 he was a Post-doctoral Fellow, and from 2003 to 2005, a Research Associate at Cornell University, USA. His research focuses on developing genetic materials for molecular breeding for vegetable crops, particularly in the genus Capsicum. A primary research topic in his lab is the identification of genes controlling disease resistance and secondary metabolite biosynthesis in peppers using various genomic tools. Prof. Kang has published over 160 peer-reviewed papers in international journals.

Genomic selection and gene editing in pepper
A significant achievement occurred in 2014 with the sequencing of the pepper genome by several research groups. This milestone paved the way for developing molecular markers for various traits, greatly enhancing breeding precision. Nonetheless, challenges persist in improving quantitative traits like capsaicinoid and carotenoid content, influenced by intricate genetic and environmental factors. To tackle these challenges, our group has embraced digital breeding technologies, integrating phenotype data with whole-genome information to create predictive models for genomic selection. This comprehensive approach streamlines the breeding process, facilitating the development of improved pepper varieties tailored to meet the evolving needs of farmers and consumers alike. Genome editing (GE) using CRISPR/Cas technology has revolutionized trait induction, enabling rapid genetic variations for desired traits. Among GE methods, virus-induced genome editing (VIGE) systems have shown promise in model crops such as Arabidopsis and Nicotiana spp. We evaluated two VIGE methods for Solanaceous crops, holding significant potential for enhancing crops like pepper, potato, and eggplant. Additionally, ongoing efforts are underway to apply these VIGE systems to pepper (Capsicum annuum), with conditions optimized for broader application. In summary, advancements in digital breeding and genome editing technologies offer promising avenues for improving agricultural productivity and meeting the demands of a rapidly evolving market.

Session 1:
Modern Breeding Techniques & Resistance to Diseases and Pests in Solanaceous and Cucurbitaceae crops

Dr. Awang Maharijaya
Plant Breeding Researcher, Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies
Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University, Indonesia

Prof. Dr. Awang Maharijaya is the Director of the Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies director, and serves as a Professor at the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, IPB University. His research primarily revolves around diverse horticultural crops, such as peppers, shallots, and potatoes. The central focus of his research is to investigate both conventional and biotechnology-based plant breeding methods, especially in biotic stress aspects.

Identification of Resistance to Geminivirus and Whitefly in Pepper

Pepper yellow leaf curl disease, caused by the Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (PepYLCIV), is a major problem in chili pepper production. The availability of varieties resistant to PepYLCIV and its vector, the whitely Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), has the potential to solve this problem. The use of resistant varieties carries various advantages, including, namely: the reduction pest control costs, the lack of production of harmful chemical residues, and their capacity to accepted and used by farmers in the long term. This study aims to identify genotypes that are resistant to PepYLCIV and its vector. Nineteen chili pepper genotypes obtained from the Center for Tropical Horticulture Studies at IPB University were examined in this study through field and laboratory tests. The results of this study showed that two genotypes were found to have a lower disease incidence value of PepYLCIV than the other genotypes: the CR9 genotype, with a value of 10.71%, and the JT5 genotype, which had a value of 19.23%. Additionally, these two genotypes had low disease severity values; CR9 had a disease severity value of 7.14% and was included in the moderately resistant category, while JT5 had a disease severity value of 5.19% and fell under the resistant category. Bonita, CR2, and JT1, can be categorized as genotypes resistant to whitely attack due to their lower attack intensity values compared to the other genotypes. These genotypes all had an attack intensity value of 0%. Several chili pepper (Capsicum annum) genotypes were found to be resistant to whiteflies or PepYLCIV, but JT5 was the cultivar capable of fulfilling both resistance to whiteflies and the virus. This study also found that there was a significant correlation between the numbers of surviving imago and disease incidence in pupae, as well as between disease incidence and disease severity. Thus, we conclude that resistance to whiteflies, which are a PepYLCIV vector, can potentially reduce disease severity in chili pepper plants.

Mr. Jose Arnel O. Reyes,
University Researcher, Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines

Jose Arnel O. Reyes is a University Researcher in the Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science – University of the Philippines Los Baños. He is currently working on various research projects involving screening for abiotic stress tolerance i.e. drought, waterlogging, heat, etc., of important crops such as tomato, cassava, sugarcane, and legumes. He currently leads the Plant Physiology Laboratory of the institute. His current research interests include: 1) identifying sources of abiotic tolerance in different crops; 2) Exploring various traits related to abiotic as well as exploring mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance; 3) Utilizing digital phenotyping techniques to improve the development of climate-resilient varieties. 

Resilience towards Sustainability: Breeding for Waterlogging and Heat Tolerance in Tomato

Calls for climate-resilient crops globally have been trending positively as the need for more sustainable and reliable crop productivity under the unpredictable, changing climate is also increasing. However, breeding for climate-smart crops is quite challenging and complicated as abiotic stress tolerance is a complex trait controlled by several physiological and biochemical processes to maintain optimal plant growth and development at the advent of stress. In this talk, I will share some of the efforts that the Institute of Plant Breeding, CAFS – UPLB is currently undertaking to address various abiotic stresses that greatly affect tomato production i.e. waterlogging and heat stress. Using a wide range of methods from conventional yield evaluation to using various scanners and image-based analyses, we evaluate traits that would provide us with better insights into the selection and identification of these promising lines toward sustainability through climate resiliency. 

Dr. Patcharaporn Suwor
Assistant Professor of Horticulture
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL)

My name is Patcharaporn Suwor. I’m a plant breeder and assistant professor of Horticulture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. I am actively involved in vegetable production and conventional plant breeding, with a specialized focus on breeding for resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. My expertise is particularly concentrated in the breeding of chili peppers and tomatoes. My previous work involves conducting genetic and conventional plant breeding for developing chili pepper varieties resistant to anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) and pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PepYLCV) diseases. Additionally, In the breeding program, we also use marker-assisted selection as a tool for selecting anthracnose disease-resistant varieties. Current research within my program includes: 1. Study and develop the development of molecular markers molecular marker against anthracnose disease and PepYLCV disease 2. Identified genetics and resistant mechanisms to anthracnose and PepYLCV disease in chili pepper, and 3. Developing new commercial F1-hybrid resistance to the diseases and high pungency.

Conventional breeding for anthracnose and begomovirus disease resistance in chili peppers

Chili peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) are economically important crop worldwide. In Thailand, chili pepper is a cash crop for farmers and has cultural significance in Thai cuisine. However, anthracnose disease, caused by Colletotrichum spp., and Pepper yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (PepYLCTHV) pose major threats, reducing yield and quality. Therefore, we breeding for resistance to both disease through conventional plant breeding together with MAS. For athracnose disease resistance, the parental line (six breeding lines and their 15 hybrid combinations (Capsicum annuum L.) derived from C. chinense (PBC932) and C. baccatum (PBC80)) were screened and selected through GCA and SCA. ANT4 line, derived from PBC80, demonstrated the highest resistance to anthracnose, with the lowest disease lesion size and general combining ability (GCA) values at both green and red fruit stages. ANT4 was then crossed with three highly susceptible cultivars (Yodsonkeam 80, Num, and Jindanil 80) to produce 10 F5 lines through marker-assisted selection (MAS), which proved more effective at selecting resistant plants at the green fruit stage in F2 progenies compared to F5 progenies the efficacy of MAS. We licensed six seed companies, the new inbred lines AF1, AF3, AF5, AF6, AF7, and AF10 were identified as highly resistant and desirable for high yield. For breeding for PepYLCTHV, we screened resistance transmitted by whiteflies. Thirty-one chili genotypes were screened for resistance to PepYLCTHV disease inoculation using whitefly transmission for four cycles. PEP6 and PEP12 showed the lowest disease severity and disease index at 28 days after inoculation. Both resistant lines were crossed with three Thai commercial cultivars (Yodsonkeam 80, Num, and Jindanil 80) and generated to F6. Ten inbred lines were resistant to PepYLCTHV disease and licensed to seed companies.

Dr. Hao-wen Cheng
Assistant Specialist-Virologist
World Vegetable Center

My name is Hao-Wen (Owen) Cheng. I got my PhD from the Department of Plant Pathology at the National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, in 2014 and had strong and solid background training in plant pathology and virology. My previous studies mainly focus on constructing and applying plant virus vectors, generating mild plant viruses for cross-protection, and the viral systemic movement in host plants. I joined the World Vegetable Center as a virologist in 2023, and mainly focus on crop resistance screening against tomato leaf curl Thailand virus, tomato chlorosis virus, pepper vein yellows virus, and pepper veinal mottle virus. Plant virus surveys in Asia and Africa and developing plant virus detection methods are crucial tasks. We are trying to develop environmentally friendly approaches to reduce experimental supplies consumption and enhance the capability of plant virus detection. We are also trying to construct various viral infectious clones of non-mechanical inoculated RNA viruses to integrate into our resistance screening protocol to accelerate the process of resistance screening.

Application of mild virus and dsRNA in plant virus control

Plant viral diseases are the crucial limiting factor and are consistently devastating in agriculture production. Several methods are commonly used for plant virus disease control, including virus-free seedlings, sanitation, insect vector prevention, resistant plants, cross-protection, and transgenic plants. The most effective and efficient plant virus disease control approaches are cultivating resistant breeding lines or transgenic-resistant plants. However, virus-resistance breeding is time-consuming, and transgenic resistance is also trapped in the GMO issue. On the other hand, the new aggressive virus species emerging or rapid mutation of plant RNA virus constantly occurs to invalidate the valuable resistance for years of efforts. RNA silencing is the natural defense response of plants against viral infection, which is triggered in a sequence homology-dependent manner. A double-strand (ds)RNA mediate is accumulated during the virus replicating in the infected cells, which is a strong inducer of RNA silencing, recognized and processed by an endogenous Dicer-like protein (DCL) into small RNAs to active the specific and amplifying RNA degradation against the infecting virus. Cross-protection of mild virus and exogenous synthesized dsRNAs will be the potential alternatives to control plant virus disease by pre-activating RNA silencing of the virus. In the cross-protection, the crop plants were inoculated with mild strain first to give the ability against the later homologous severe virus infection. A stable and effective mild virus is necessary for successful cross-protection and is able to be obtained through natural mutant selections, mutagen-induced or virus infectious clones engineered by molecular biotechnology to reach the low virulence virus mutants as the protectant. There are limited commercialized products of mild viruses available such as, “Cubio ZY-02” for zucchini yellow mosaic virus, “Green Peper PM” for pepper mild mottle virus, and “PMV®-01” for pepino mosaic virus. The construction of virus infectious clone and a high throughput screening system will be very crucial steps for developing mild mutants of specific plant viruses. Using exogenous synthetic dsRNAs as a core substance to develop virus control agents by inducing specific RNA silencing is an accessible approach. The flexibility of dsRNA allows for easy adaptation to different virus species, isolates, or mutants and enhances their utility in extending the lifespan of valuable breeding lines. Both cross-protection and synthetic dsRNAs Both approaches of cross-protection and exogenous synthetic dsRNAs are worth developing and incorporating with resistant cultivates to establish a sustainable plant virus disease control system.

Prof. Xingping Zhang
Institute of Advanced Agricultural Sciences (IAAS)
Peking University (PKU), China

Dr. Xingping Zhang is the deputy director of the Peking University Institute of Advanced Agriculture Sciences. He earned his Ph.D. in genetics from Clemson University and has extensive experience in both the private and public sectors. Dr. Zhang is a highly skilled agricultural scientist with expertise in genetics, breeding, crop management, and intellectual property protection. He has made significant contributions to watermelon breeding and genetics, notably developing the standard-setting watermelon varieties XiNong No.8, personal size seedless watermelon varieties, and Super-pollenizer varieties, as well as varieties like Fascination, Crisp Delight, and Manchester. His team also published the first T2T gap-free watermelon reference genome, G42, and recently completed the first watermelon genus T2T super pangenome. In recognition of his achievements, Dr. Zhang was honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award during Cucurbitaceae 2018.

Sources for Watermelon Genetic Improvement and Germplasm Innovation

Long-term cultivation focused on yield and fruit quality has reduced genetic diversity in cultivated watermelons. To support sustainable production and germplasm innovation, increased genetic variation is essential. Building on the first T2T gap-free watermelon reference genome, Pku-G42, we developed a genus-level T2T super-pangenome for Citrullus, expanding the genome by 399.2 Mb and 11,225 genes. Comparative analysis revealed gene variants and structural variations (SVs), offering insights into watermelon evolution and domestication, such as enhanced bitterness and sugar content but reduced disease resistance. Multi-disease-resistant loci from C. amarus and C. mucosospermus were successfully introduced into cultivated C. lanatus. SV analysis suggested additional ancestors beyond C. cordophanus in the cultivated watermelon lineage. Our research enhances the understanding of watermelon genome diversity and supports genetic enhancement using wild relatives. To further facilitate gene discovery and trait generation, we developed a pollen EMS mutagenesis protocol for watermelon, creating high-quality mutation libraries of inbred G42. The phenotypic mutation frequency was 3.64% in M1 plants and 15.38% in M2 families, with variations observed across all developmental stages. Genome sequencing revealed average mutation densities of 1 SNP/1.69 Mb and 1 indel/4.55 Mb per M1 plant, and 1 SNP/1.08 Mb and 1 indel/6.25 Mb per M2 plant. Using the gap-free genome, we rapidly identified genes for several traits, including elongated fruit shape and dominant male sterility.

Keynote Address on Cucurbit Crops
Cucurbits Breeding Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century

Dr. Jesús Abad Martin
Global Head of Germplasm Development Cucurbits

Jesus Abad has been working in Vegetable Plant Breeding for more than 30 years as a Plant Breeder and later as R&D and Breeding Manager.  Working in different types of Vegetable Seed companies from small to big size ones and always involved in technology acquisition and implementation as key enabler of the excellence and value creation in Plant Breeding. Now combining in Syngenta Global Breeding Management responsibilities as Global Head of Cucurbit Breeding with Science & Technology scouting, dissemination, and implementation as a Science Fellow. 

Cucurbits Breeding Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century. 

Main Challenges for Sustainability Vegetable Production in addition to Opportunities as provided by Plant Breeding will be discussed. 

Dr. Petcharat Thummabenjapone
Associate Professor, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology
Faculty of Agriculture, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Dr. Petcharat Thummabenjapone is a plant pathologist in division of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She is specialist for plant disease diagnosis, plant pathogens, seed pathology and plant diseases management. To be as the field inspector  for target diseases in seed production fields to issue the phytosanitary certification from Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operation. Major research works for seed production were study on diversity of bacterial fruit blotch disease in cucurbits, database for cucurbit diseases,  co-researcher with BIOTEC  teams for developing immuno-strip for bacterial fruit blotch disease and other plant viruses in cucurbits and solanaceous plants,   co-researcher with KKU. teams for screening plant varieties resistance to bacterial wilt in tomato, chilli resistant to anthracnose disease and Begomovirus. For biological control of plant diseases, do screening and development of bioproducts of broad-spectrum antagonistic microbes/plant growth promoting microbes for control major diseases of economic crops and promote plant growth as well. Established workshop training program for  farmers, seed production ‘s company staffs and government’s staffs  to understand about plant disease diagnosis and how to control plant diseases. For Current research interests : 1) Biological control of soil borne diseases of potato at Tak province (implementation the bioproduct “Bacillus-BS-PR2” to control major soil borne diseases in farmer fields), 2) Evaluation the Bacillus based bioproducts for control Begomovirus and Candidatus Phytoplasma in cucurbits and tomato.

Major pathogens infecting cucurbit crops and cucurbit disease management in Thailand 

Cucurbit crops /seed production were limited by several kind of plant diseases.  For major fungal diseases, e.g. gummy stem blight, fusarium wilt, sclerotium wilt, downy mildew, anthracnose and powdery mildew. For bacterial diseases, the most destructive was bacterial fruit blotch disease (bfb) and fruit rot caused by other bacteria. For virus diseases, the Tospovirus (transmitted by thrips), Cucumovirus and Potyvirus (transmitted by aphids) , Begomovirus and  Crinivirus (transmitted by whitefly) were the major diseases. Root knot nematode was serious in some area. The Candidatus Phytoplasma and Begomovirus need to be more concerned recently. In general, for sustainable plant disease management in cucurbit crops, farmer need more upskills or re-skills on plant disease diagnosis, to know in details on pesticides(fungicides, insecticides, acaricides) for appropriate used, more understanding on biological control  that can be used for reducing several kinds of chemicals and total cost for control plant diseases and insect pests. In addition to low risk for danger to their health and save environment. Recently,  cucurbit seed production in Thailand had not serious problem from bfb, and other fungal diseases. The immuno-strip and antibodies for BFB and other plant viruses from BIOTEC and broad spectrum bioproducts based on Bacillus from my lab. were available for supporting effective cucurbit disease management. 

Dr. Charles J. Underwood
Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research

Prof. Charles Underwood originates from the UK. He did his undergraduate degree in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at the University of Oxford. In 2011 he moved to New York for his PhD at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory where he worked with Prof. Rob Martienssen on the epigenetic control of plant genomes. During his PhD he extensively collaborated with Prof. Ian Henderson at the University of Cambridge, focusing on the genetic and epigenetic control of meiotic recombination. In 2016, he moved to the Netherlands where he worked as a Postdoc at KeyGene. There he unravelled the molecular genetic basis of apomixis in the common dandelion and collaborated with several international seed companies to expedite breeding through the application of plant reproduction technologies. Since September 2019 Charlie has led a research group at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, Germany focusing on the reproduction and genome structure of the cultivated tomato and wild relatives.  Since November 2023 Charlie has been professor of Plant Genome Engineering at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Harnessing clonal gametes in hybrid crops to engineer polyploid genomes

Heterosis boosts crop yield; however, harnessing additional progressive heterosis in polyploids is challenging for breeders. We bioengineered a ‘mitosis instead of meiosis’ (MiMe) system that generates unreduced, clonal gametes in three hybrid tomato genotypes and used it to establish polyploid genome design. Through the hybridization of MiMe hybrids, we generated ‘4-haplotype’ plants that encompassed the complete genetics of their four inbred grandparents, providing a blueprint for exploiting polyploidy in crops. 

Dr. Anthimos Kampouridis
Scientist – Cucurbit Breeding
World Vegetable Center

Dr Anthimos (Makis) Kampouridis is a Scientist – Cucurbit Breeding for World Vegetable Center (WVC) based in the WVC Research and Training Station in Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. He is leading the WVC Cucurbit breeding program and aims to develop climate smart cucurbit inbred lines and F1 hybrids for multiple market segments targeting small holder farmers in the tropical regions. His research is aiming: 1) Disease resistant screening to identifying new sources for resistance like ToLCNDV, Downey Mildew 2) Developing lines and F1 hybrids with high fruit quality and high phytonutrient value 3) Develop high yielding lines that combine disease resistant and high nutrient content.  

Cucurbit crops improvement: cucurbit projects of the World Vegetable Center

The WVC Cucurbit breeding program is working with pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata), luffa(Ridge gourd and Sponge gourd) and bitter gourd(Momordica charantia). The main focus of the breeding is to use genetic variability of landraces from the vast collection of material conserved in our WVC gene bank and develop climate smart cucurbit lines and F1 hybrids for multiple market segments that combine disease resistance, high fruit quality, nutritional value and yield targeting mainly small holder farmers in the tropical regions. This breeding strategy aims to tackle the narrow genetic base of commercially available cultivars which makes them vulnerable to biotic and abiotic stresses and increase the genetic gains of yield by introducing new genetic variation that is being lost. In his talk he will give an overview of the current breeding efforts of four cucurbit species: bitter gourd (Momordica charantia), ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula), sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica), and tropical pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) and perspectives for future directions.

Dr. Dhananjaya, M. V.
Principal Scientist, Division of Vegetable Crops, 
ICAR- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, India 

Dr. Dhananjaya, M. V., is a Principal Scientist at the Indian Council of Agriculture Research- Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bengaluru, has 26 years of research, teaching and extension experience in crop improvement of horticulture crops, handled 18 in-house and 16 externally funded projects as PI and co-PI. He is the Principal Investigator of the project entitled “Breeding ash gourd and bottle gourd for yield, quality and resistance to biotic stress”. He has to his credit PPVFRA-protected varieties in bottle gourd for protecting F1 hybrid "Arka Ganga" and its parents; India’s first GSB-resistant variety "Arka Shreyas“ and 3 GSB-Resistant (BG-114-1, BG-114-3 and BG-95) and 2 powdery mildew resistant (BG-6-3 and BG-8-1) bottle gourd genotypes registered with NBPGR, New Delhi. M/s Leadbeter Seeds Pvt. Ltd., a subsidiary of Mahyco Seeds and M/s Bioseed has taken technology license of these GSB-resistant sources (BG-114-1, BG-114-3 and BG-95). 

Breeding Bottle Gourds for yield and disease resistance

Bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) is a widely cultivated cucurbit crop known for its versatility and nutritional benefits. However, challenges such as low yield and disease susceptibility have hindered its full potential. Among the diseases, Gummy Stem Blight (GSB), Fusarium wilt and CGMV are severely impacting the yield and quality of the crop and are reported to cause economic losses up to 80-100%. The most preferred control measure taken up by farmers is the use of fungicides which has severe environmental concerns, is hazardous to farmers and also adds up to production costs. To overcome these problems, breeding for quality and resistance to improve crop quality and yield while mitigating crop damage becomes crucial. Bottle gourd has been extensively used as rootstocks in cucurbit crops for combating soil-borne diseases, mitigating abiotic stresses and improving yield in the grafted plants. The compatibility of bottle gourd with other cucurbits makes it an excellent choice as a rootstock. Also, there is a need to comprehensively analyze histological, biochemical and gene expression profiles to uncover the mechanisms underlying successful graft union formation, resistance to GSB, wilt and CGMV. While the fruit is popular in culinary uses across various cultures, its seeds remain an underutilized resource. Recent studies have highlighted the nutritional potential of bottle gourd seeds, particularly their high content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, providing a plant-based alternative to commonly used sources of these fatty acids, such as fish oil.  By emphasizing these points, this presentation aims to highlight the significance of genetic enhancement in fulfilling the need for resilient and nutritious bottle gourd varieties.

Session 2:
Germplasm Evaluation/Diversity Analysis and Plant Variety Protection

Dr. Chutchamas Kanchana-udomkan
Lecturer in the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen
Director of the Tropical Vegetable Center, Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Dr. Chutchamas Kanchana-udomkan, a molecular breeder and passionate advocate for climate-resilient food security, brings her expertise to Kasetsart University. Following her Ph.D. from Griffith University, Australia, Dr. Kanchana-udomkan honed her skills in breeding vegetable crops for desirable traits. Now, as a lecturer in the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen and Director of the Tropical Vegetable Center, her work centers on maximizing germplasm diversity and developing climate-resilient crops, ensuring a stable food supply for the future. She works closely with the World Vegetable Center and currently leads the Taiwan-Asia Vegetable Initiative project in Thailand, which aims to repatriate over 3,000 unique and lost vegetable varieties collected by national genebanks and the World Vegetable Center in the 1990s and 2000s back to Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Maximizing Genetic Diversity Germplasm Repositories and Climate - Adaptive Crop Protection for Future Food Security

Climate change threatens global food security by reducing crop yields and nutrition while the population rises. To meet this challenge, we need climate-resilient crops. Unfortunately, natural and human selection have significantly reduced genetic diversity, a crucial resource for breeders. This presentation explores how maximizing germplasm diversity in repositories and employing climate-adaptive crop protection strategies can ensure future food security. Advanced omic technologies like genomic selection and phenotyping can unlock the potential of preserved germplasm.  These tools allow breeders to identify desirable traits and understand gene expression, accelerating breeding programs. Additionally, techniques like artificial lights and gene editing can further expedite crop improvement. By maximizing germplasm diversity and integrating it with climate-adaptive crop protection strategies, we can develop crops that thrive in a changing climate, ensuring a stable and nutritious food supply for future generations.

Dr. Anongpat Suttangkakul
Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, 
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Assist. Prof. Dr. Anongpat Suttangkakul is a researcher at Department of Genetics, Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University. She currently conducts research in using genetic engineering and genome editing to improve crop performance, and reduce effects of agricultural practice on environments. The plant models her team works with include cucumber, orchid, sugarcane, Andrographis, rice, cassava, pineapple and Arabidopsis. For cucumber, she is particularly interested in autophagy process and developing tools for improving genome editing efficiency.

Evaluation of cucumber UBL5 promoter as a tool for transgene expression and genome editing in plants

Transgene expression and genome editing can help improve cucumber varieties to better respond to climate change. This study aimed to evaluate the applicability of the CsUBL5 promoter in transgene expression and genome editing in cucumber. The CsUBL5 promoter was cloned and analyzed to identify cis-elements that respond to abiotic signals, hormones, signal molecules, and nutrient treatments. 5' deletion constructs of the promoter were tested for their ability to drive GUS reporter expression in cucumber cotyledons, Arabidopsis seedlings, and tobacco leaves, and their response to various treatments including SA, light, drought, IAA, and GA was determined. The results showed that the CsUBL5 promoter effectively drove transgene expression in these plants, and their expressions under treatments were consistent with the predicted cis-elements, with some exceptions. Furthermore, the pCsUBL5-749 deletion construct can improve genome editing efficiency in cucumber when driving Cas9 expression. The editing efficiency of two sgRNAs targeting the ATG6 gene in cucumber was up to 4.6-fold higher using pCsUBL5-749 compared to a rice UBI promoter, although the effects of changing promoter on the editing efficiency is sgRNA specific. These findings highlight the potential utility of the CsUBL5 promoter for improving cucumber varieties through genetic engineering and genome editing. It also demonstrates the importance of modulating Cas9 expression to increase genome editing efficiency in cucumbers.

Session 3:
Plant Breeding Innovation: Genomics & Genome Editing

Dr. Ashish Patel
Head of Vegetables Seeds Development APAC, Vegetable & flower Research and Development function
Syngenta Corp, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Ashish Patel is Head of Vegetable Seeds R&D for APAC in Syngenta Agro seeds based out of Bangkok. He is Plant breeder by profession, worked as breeder and lead regional R&D team of Brassica, Solanaceae and Field Corn at Syngenta during tenure of last 25 years. Holds M.Sc and Ph.D in Plant genetics and breeding. Has strong research and collaboration background with developing and delivering genetic solutions by collaborating with global institutions and team to bring traits and technology for grower’s wellbeing. Passionate to drive innovation to meet the evolving needs of customers.

Dr. Shivendra Bajaj
Technical Advisor, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)
Senior Consultant, Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)

Dr Shivendra Bajaj is the Technical Advisor and leads all technical programs at APSA. He also manages the STDF funded project in APAARI on strengthening phytosanitary compliance to boost seed trade and public private partnership in the Asia Pacific region.  Previously, he led Federation of Seed Industry of India and Alliance for Agri Innovation as the Executive Director. He engages with key stakeholders including the highest level of decision makers to influence policies and advocates for adoption of seed and biotechnology policy, innovation, new technologies and breeding applications in the agriculture sector to benefit farmers and agriculture. Some priority issues in his agenda include global coordination for phytosanitary process improvement, Access and Benefit Sharing in food and agriculture and global harmonization of guidelines of agricultural innovations.

Plants with novel traits produced through genome editing are already commercialized in some countries and many countries are in the product development stage. To keep up with these advancements, several countries have finalized their assessment of regulating or not regulating genome-edited crops. Therefore, the regulatory landscape of genome editing is rapidly changing globally as well as in the Asia-Pacific region. However, the countries are taking different approaches to develop these regulatory policies. In this presentation, I will summarize the global status of regulations of genome-edited crops with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. I will also discuss the messaging that the seed industry representatives can discuss with their regulatory officials to future-proof their regulatory framework. 

Prof. KC Bansal
Adjunct Professor, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia
Former Secretary, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
Former Director, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR), New Delhi, India

Prof. KC Bansal is Adjunct Professor at the Centre for Crop and Food Innovation, Murdoch University, Perth, Australia. He played a leadership role in research management and policy formulation for promoting GM crops and Genome Editing in India. His research interests include functional genomics and transgenic development. He developed the first series of transgenic crops with improved tolerance to abiotic stresses in India. The first ABA receptor gene OsPYL10 from an Indian drought tolerant rice landrace was identified and cloned by his lab. Notably, he took an unprecedented initiative to evaluate the entire wheat germplasm collection (~ 22000 accessions) conserved in the Indian National Genebank, and identified genetic sources for heat tolerance and disease resistance. Prof. Bansal was elected as Vice-Chair from Asia for the 15th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture of the United Nations (2013-2015). Currently, he is on the Board of Directors of Global Plant Council, and Board of Trustees of the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India. 

Advances in CRISPR-Genome Editing Strategies for Crop Improvement

CRISPR-based genome editing technologies have been advancing rapidly. Recently, newer variants have emerged which offer increased precision and efficiency for editing the genomes and are applied for the development of crops with enhanced yield, nutritional content, and greater resistance to diseases and environmental stresses. Some of the latest developments like Base Editing and Prime Editing enable more precise changes without introducing double-strand breaks. Further, modification to the epigenome has become possible to regulate gene expression without changing the underlying DNA sequence and is catching the attention of researchers to control gene expression to improve major agronomic traits. Recent advances in multiplex CRISPR for the simultaneous editing of multiple genes is enabling development of some useful traits like enhanced water use-efficiency, drought tolerance, climate resilience and yield. More recently, Indian researchers have developed a novel TnpB-based editing system, which is more compact and versatile than Cas9 or Cas 12a, and demonstrated its utility for achieving efficient base editing and transcriptional activation in rice. However, for effective application of these developments, certain challenges such as: a) Identifying target genes associated with specific and desirable traits, b) Development of efficient delivery systems for the introduction of CRISPR components into plant cells, and c) Generating plants from the transformed cells in elite crop cultivars, need to be addressed for making a significant impact on agricultural productivity, sustainability, and resilience. 

Prof. Hiroshi Ezura
Professor, Institiute of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Chief Technical Officer, Sanatech Life Science, Co., Ltd, Japan

I am a scientist in the field of molecular breeding of Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae crops. My major research interests are research and development of plant biotechnology including cell and tissue culture, GM crops, and new plant breeding techniques such as gene editing. During my career, I spend a lot of time for practical application of biotechnologies. More recently I am focusing on application of gene editing technology for improvement of horticultural crops like tomato and melon. I leaded a Japanese national project on application of gene editing technologies for improvement of agricultural products (so called SIP project). We are succeeded in developing a CRISPR-tomato cultivar with high GABA contents (High GABA tomato), expecting health-promoting functions in human. In 2018, I have established a UT-Venture company, Sanatech Seed (renamed as Sanatach Life Science in 2024) and currently serves as a Chief Technology Officer (CTO). The company is succeeded in commercialization of the gene-edited tomato in Japan in 2021, which now we can buy it in supermarket in Japan.

Toward Social Implementation of Gene-Edited Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae Crops

Gene editing is a new tool for rapid breeding. We are trying to apply this technology for tomato and melon improvements due to an availability of rich information on target genes. As a case study, we have improved a nutritional trait, GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) content, in tomato fruits. GABA is a non-proteinogenic amino acid with health-promoting functions for human. Although tomato fruits have a relatively high GABA content compared with other crops, the levels must be further increased to effectively confer the health-promoting functions such as lowering blood pressure and reducing stress. Then, to increase GABA content in tomato, we used CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Introducing a mutation into a target gene increased GABA accumulation in the mutant tomato. Hybrid lines were produced by crossing the gene-edited tomato with a pure line cultivar. The hybrid lines showed high GABA accumulation in the fruits, which was sufficiently high for expecting health-promoting functions, suggesting that the gene-edited tomato would be useful as a parental line of hybrid cultivars. A university-lunched venture company has developed a commercial cultivar using the gene editing technology. After deregulation in Japan in 2020, the company is selling the fresh fruits and processed foods to consumers in Japan both in web and supermarkets. In addition, we have developed an efficient gene-editing technology for melon with collaborators, and, as a case study, we are applying it to extend a shelf-life of melon, which we are going to commercialize in a near future. In this presentation, our challenge toward social implementation of gene-edited tomato and melon will be introduced.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Paweena Chuenwarin
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen
Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Thailand

Assist. Prof. Dr. Paweena Chuenwarin is a researcher specializing in vegetable crop improvement at the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Kasetsart University. The work focuses on the molecular breeding of Luffa to develop cultivars resistant to diseases, utilizing germplasm from the Tropical Vegetable Research Center (TVRC) and the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg). The current research interests include exploring the diversity of Luffa species germplasm for use in breeding programs and developing molecular markers to select Luffa cultivars tolerant to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV).

Genetic diversity and population structure of Luffa spp. germplasm and the development of ridge gourd for tolerance to ToLCNDV

Two species of Luffa, Luffa acutangula and Luffa cylindrica, are commonly consumed as vegetables in Asia. This study analyzed germplasm of these species, obtained from the Tropical Vegetable Research Center (TVRC) at the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kamphaeng Saen Campus, Kasetsart University, and the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg), using SNP data from DArTseq. The L. acutangula germplasm, primarily consisting of accessions from Thailand, exhibited significant genetic and phenotypic diversity, making it a valuable resource for breeding programs aimed at increasing yield and disease tolerance. Additionally, we evaluated tolerance to Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV), identifying candidate accessions suitable for breeding ToLCNDV-resistant cultivars. A Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) was conducted to identify candidate SNPs for developing markers for ToLCNDV tolerance. The SNP data for the L. cylindrica germplasm from TVRC and WorldVeg revealed moderate diversity, providing a useful resource for L. cylindrica breeding programs.

Dr. Pumipat Tongyoo
Bioinformatics lecturer/scientist, Center for Agricultural Biotechnology
Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus, Thailand

Dr.Pumipat Tongyoo is a lecturer at the Center for Agricultural Biotechnology, Kasetsart University, and a researcher at the Center of Excellence on Agricultural Biotechnology, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation. His research and teaching focus on applying genomics and bioinformatics in agriculture, especially for breeding, germplasm management, and utilization, which is working on core collection management, improving tomatoes using cutting-edge techniques, such as GWAS, QTL bulk segregation analysis, and gene editing. He has also applied a mutation mapping approach to identify traits in mutation populations. His current projects involve breeding programs for disease resistance and enhanced eating quality. He also applies his programming skills to develop bioinformatics tools and pipelines for facilitating genomic data analysis.

A combined approach of bioinformatics, genomics, and genetic diversity for utilising EMS-induced tomato population: A case study in Blossom Drop Trait.

In plant science, bioinformatics, genomics, and genetic diversity studies work together to understand the inner workings of plants. This research exemplifies this synergy by investigating a mutant tomato identified within an EMS-mutagenized M2 population. The mutant displays a peculiar phenotype - blossom drop, where flowers fall prematurely without developing into fruit. Further investigation revealed the mutant's stunted growth pattern, and its pollen development issues, characterized by abnormal or empty pollen grains. Interestingly, even pollination attempts using wild-type tomato pollen were unsuccessful. We hypothesise that an imbalance in hormone regulation during the early stages of flower bud development could be the culprit behind these problems, warranting further exploration to confirm the mechanism and develop potential solutions. Beyond the current blossom drop mutation, genomics technology empowers us to delve deeper into the genetic diversity within the germplasm bank. This technology also holds the potential for precise exploration and identification of genes associated with desired traits. While our current focus is on understanding the blossom drop phenotype in this mutant population, mutation mapping approaches are also being employed to investigate other relevant traits.

Dr. Chutikarn Butkinaree
Proteomics Research Team, National Omics Center, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

Dr. Chutikarn Butkinaree is the team leader of the Proteomics Research Team at the National Omics Center, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Her research aims to identify the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that regulate seed germination and ultimately seed quality of cucurbit crops using multiomics approaches. Her research interests include: 1) Identifying and validating biomarkers of seed quality and aging in cucurbit crops. 2) Developing new methods for accurate and rapid testing for quality assessment of cucurbit seeds. 3) Identifying the hub proteins and/or metabolites that regulate cucurbit seed germination to be used as a guide for the development of germination enhancement techniques.

Multi-omics Approaches for Biomarker Discovery of Seed Quality in Ridge Gourd and Bitter Gourd under Accelerated Aging Treatment

Plant seeds lose their vigor and, eventually, viability as they age during storage or are exposed to inappropriate storage conditions, such as high humidity and high temperature. Planting seeds with poor quality results in low production rate and high production cost. A germination test is the standard method used for seed viability determination. However, this method has some drawbacks as it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and its cost may not be suitable for everyone. It also does not provide the mechanisms underlying seed deterioration, which are often speciesspecific. Development of more low-cost, quick, reliable, and accessible methods for seed quality assessment is, therefore, needed. In this talk, I will discuss how integrative analysis of proteomics and metabolomics by mass spectrometry can be used to identify molecular and biochemical processes associated with seed deterioration by artificial aging in ridge gourd and bitter gourd seeds. This work also demonstrates how multiomics approaches can be used to develop biomarkers for seed quality through identification of proteins and metabolites with a significant correlation with seed germination rate.

Dr. Hayde F. Galvez
Assistant Professor 
Crop Biotechnology Division (Molecular Genetics and Plant Breeding)
Institute of Crop Science, College of Agriculture and Food Science
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines

Dr. Hayde F. Galvez is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Crop Science and former Head (2012-2020) of the Genetics Laboratory, Institute of Plant Breeding - both under the College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños. Completed PhD in Molecular Genetics and Plant Breeding from the University of Melbourne, Australia.  Other significant work experiences included Fulbright Advance Research Fellow on Tomato Bioinformatics and Genome Editing at the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Cornell University, USA; Molecular Marker Specialist at WorldVeg – The World Vegetable Center, Taiwan; and as a Junior Plant Breeder at East West Seed Co. Inc. She has conducted research projects on crop molecular genetics, breeding, genomics and agricultural biotechnology. Example was her program and project leadership in a 5-year Coconut Genomics Program consisted of eight component research projects. Publications of research outputs are presented on peer-reviewed journals, and in local and international scientific fora/conferences.

Revolutionizing varietal development in tomato: from genetic markers to TILLING and innovative OMICs-breeding approaches

Tomato is a widely cultivated vegetable crops worldwide. Beyond its traditional use in various cuisines, fresh salads and processed products, there is potential to introduce tomato as a fruit dessert like in some countries. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, tomatoes contribute to food and health security while also providing income opportunities for stakeholders across the supply chain. With adverse agro-climatic conditions, breeding for climate resilience has become more critical to meet consumer demands and tackle agricultural challenges. There are increasingly numerous biotic and abiotic constraints that negatively impact tomato productivity and the quality of fruit harvests. Traditional breeding methods have significantly advanced tomato development, but recent innovations in genetic and molecular technologies are revolutionizing the process. The talk will explore the integration of modern tools utilized in tomato breeding -- from gene marker development and application in marker-assisted selection, targeted mutagenesis such as TILLING, and to advanced OMICs-based approaches including introduction of novel traits through genetic engineering and genome editing. As specific examples, our own baseline molecular strategies at the University of the Philippines Los Baños will be presented. This includes generating large mutant populations and gene mining through TILLING, and in another study, applying targeted gene editing to enhance key traits such as virus and insect resistance and improved fruit functionality. These foundational molecular technologies are part of a proposed advanced (pre-)breeding platform designed to precisely accelerate the genetic improvement of tomato. Through the integration of relevant innovative breeding approaches, the ultimate goal is to ensure sustainable supply of climate smart tomato varieties with enhanced fruit quality attributes as a functional fruit vegetable, and of tomatoes tailored to specific agro-climatic zones including under controlled/protected cultivations. 

Session 4:
Application of AI and Digital Technology for High Throughput Phenotyping

Dr. Maarten Jongsma
Senior research scientist, Wageningen Plant Research
Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Maarten Jongsma obtained an MSc with distinction in Molecular Sciences at Wageningen University in the Netherlands and graduated in 1995 at the same university with a PhD on the role of plant protease inhibitors in defence against insects. Since then he has worked at Wageningen Plant Research leading a range of often international projects and programs on different topics with mostly EU and Asian partners from academia and industry. He published >100 papers, h-index 52. After an initial focus on plant genetic engineering he shifted towards discovery of the biochemical and genetic basis of natural plant traits involved in defence, human health and flavour. To enable this he developed two novel phenotyping platforms, EntoLab and Receptomics, that are now in the process of commercialization. He is also involved in the validation of flavour and health traits of plants with human taste panels and clinical trials. 

Receptomics and EntoLab: two novel platforms enabling breeding of vegetables for human taste and health benefits and insect resistance

My team has developed the hard- and software for two novel HTP phenotyping platforms which record series of videos of (i) the ‘movement behaviour’ (16 hrs) of either ca. 150 insects each in their own arena on top of leaves arranged in a tray of 20x20 cm (www.noldus.com/entolab) or (ii) imaging the ‘activation behavior’ (5 min) of a 300 spot receptor cell array on a chip of 1 cm2 in response to injected samples (www.receptomics.com; www.receptomix.com). With dedicated software we extract the statistical means of >30 behaviour parameters of the insects, and, for the other platform, the responses of >30 receptors replicated across the array. Each of these parameters/signals are individually or collectively associated with e.g. SNPs, metabolites or taste panels. Recently, the EntoLab software suite was expanded to perform stand-alone GWAS and QTL studies with the behavior statistics, so that genotype specific behavior on leaf series could be associated to QTLs of resistance and susceptibility. Discussed will be a study of a maize MAGIC population with aphids and how the platform is also suitable for studying responses of insects and mites to different odor sources. A recent paper on our tongue-on-chip application of receptomics can be found here: Roelse et al 2024. 

Dr. Lourdes D. Taylo
Career Scientist & Entomologist
Entomology Laboratory, Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB)
University of the Philippines Los Baños

Dr. Lourdes D. Taylo is a Vegetable Entomologist at IPB for more than 30 years. She is the principal investigator of a DOST-PCAARRD Project “Development of Improved Eggplant Varieties with New Plant Defense Genes using Innovative Technologies”. One of the studies aims to identify among the eggplant germplasm sources of resistance to leafhopper and eggplant fruit and shoot borer and study the host plant interaction through investigation of the insect feeding behavior of leafhopper among potential sources of resistance among eggplant using an automated video tracking platform, the Entolab™. She is also involved in the research, development, and commercialization of the first genetically modified vegetable in the Philippines, the Bt eggplant against the most important insect pest problem, the eggplant fruit and shoot borer.

Feeding Behavior Analysis of Leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula (Ishida) among Potential Sources of Eggplant Resistance using Automated Video Tracking System

Feeding Behavior Analysis of Leafhopper, Amrasca biguttula (Ishida) among Potential Sources of Eggplant Resistance using Automated Video Tracking System LDTaylo, JTCainday, MA Jongsma, BL Caoili, DMHautea, and JDAdorada Screening for host plant resistance to insects is a complex trait that is difficult to phenotype rapidly and precisely. A novel hardware-software developed by Noldus Information Technology in partnership with Wageningen University, The Netherlands was used to conduct no-choice feeding assays for leafhopper (LH) among 10 eggplant genotypes previously identified from field and greenhouse evaluations. The Entolab™ consists of an assay plate with 70 multiple arenas where 70 5th instar nymphs and sample plate with 10 leaf strips (= entry) viewed using a Basler camera and a video capture software MediaRecorder 5 that streams the images from the high-resolution digital camera to a video file on the disk. Insect movement and halting tracks in each arena were acquired with computer vision software, EthoVision®XT 15 that allowed automated tracking of highly detailed behavior parameters and analyzed with EthoAnalysis 2. The behavior statistics were reported in terms of frequency, duration, distance, and speed of movement and halting events for a total period of 16 hours. The LH behavior categories were automatically detected and 27 out of the 37 behavior statistics showed significant differences. 

Compared to whole plant assays that take weeks to complete, results were obtained in 16 h, more precisely, requiring fewer individuals, and a higher level of significance. The new integrated system should serve as a tool and have the potential for the discovery of associated plant genetic traits. 

Session 5:
Integrated Perspectives on Pest Management in Horticultural Crops

Dr. Sandeep Mankare
Crop Breeding Manager (CBM) - Pepper & Eggplant
East-West Seed

Dr Sandeep Mankare is Crop Breeding Manager (CBM)  for Pepper & Eggplant at East West seeds International based in India. He  is responsible for developing the crop’s long-term breeding strategy to create innovative and competitive varieties for target markets. Build collaboration within Group Research and Development, other departments of East-West Seed Group. As a team leader, he will supervises senior breeders to ensure successful execution of assigned breeding programs.

Dr. Lourdes D. Taylo
Career Scientist & Entomologist
Entomology Laboratory, Institute of Plant Breeding (IPB)
University of the Philippines Los Baños

Dr. Lourdes D. Taylo is a Vegetable Entomologist at IPB for more than 30 years. She is the principal investigator of a DOST-PCAARRD Project “Development of Improved Eggplant Varieties with New Plant Defense Genes using Innovative Technologies”. One of the studies aims to identify among the eggplant germplasm sources of resistance to leafhopper and eggplant fruit and shoot borer and study the host plant interaction through investigation of the insect feeding behavior of leafhopper among potential sources of resistance among eggplant using an automated video tracking platform, the Entolab™. She is also involved in the research, development, and commercialization of the first genetically modified vegetable in the Philippines, the Bt eggplant against the most important insect pest problem, the eggplant fruit and shoot borer.

The road to commercialization of UPLB Bt eggplant with event EE-1 in the Philippines

Eggplant, Solanum melongena L., is one of the most important, inexpensive, and popular vegetable crops grown and consumed in the Philippines. The most destructive insect pest of eggplant, particularly at the fruit-bearing stage, is the fruit and shoot borer (FSB), Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), accounting for 51 to 73% of total yield loss per cropping season. Farmers prefer to use chemical spray over other integrated pest management control options to minimize yield loss because most of these options are ineffective, impractical, and/or expensive. Frequent spraying accounts for at least 30% of the cost of production and poses immediate and long-term hazards to human health, and the environment. 

Genetically engineered, insect-resistant eggplant with cry1Ac gene, Bt eggplant, was developed by the India-based Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company (MAHYCO) to provide an effective control of FSB. The Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project II (ABSP II) at Cornell University, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), facilitated the transfer of the Bt eggplant (Event EE-1) to the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB). This eggplant (Event EE-1) was then conventionally bred to produce Event EE-1-derived open-pollinated (OP) and F1 hybrid varieties. 

After two decades, the UPLB Bt eggplant obtained the Biosafety Permit for Propagation (22-001Propa) from the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Plant Industry that authorizes UPLB to disseminate and cultivate Bt eggplant hybrids on a commercial scale in areas that favor GM planting. Currently, legal challenges still constrain the Bt eggplant project from its planned seed deployment to eggplant farmer&beneficiaries in target communities

Dr. Assaf Eybishitz
Senior Tomato breeder
World Vegetable Center

Assaf accomplish his MSc and PhD degrees from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem subjects on tomatoes resistance mechanism against viruses. After Assaf graduated, he joined TomaTech R&D LTD, a commercial seed company, as a tomato breeder for several types in various regions around the world, his breeding and R&D work were mainly focused on indeterminate round, beef, cluster and plum tomatoes types. During this period, Assaf developed and commercialized several new worldwide commercial varieties. In addition to the breeding programs, Assaf developed and establish several new breeding capabilities which allow identification and characterization resistances against tomato viruses. These capabilities gave the ability to identify, isolate and developed virus-resistant breeding lines and identify genetic markers for resistances traits, an important and central ability in the breeding process. In 2022 Assaf join to the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) as a Senior Scientist, Tomato breeder with the aim to continuing research, breed and contribute from his experience to the tomato breeding programs. The breeding objectives will focus on disease resistance, biotic and abiotic stress, genetic multi-traits breeding lines, climate change stress, enrichment flavor and fruit nutrient materials with the aim of achieving capacity and enabling a high-quality and significant growing solution for tomatoes farmer around the world.

Genetic Enhancement of Tomato for Tropical and Subtropical Climates: Accelerating Access to Improved Germplasm

The global demand for tomatoes continues to rise, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions, where climatic challenges necessitate particularly robust varieties. Genetic advancements play a crucial role in enhancing agricultural productivity and resilience, especially under challenging climates. Over the years, the World Vegetable Center has invested in advanced methodologies and genetic tools to produce improved tomato varieties for enhanced production in tropical regions. The World Vegetable Center leverages its biodiverse germplasm and the strategic location of its research stations in tropical and subtropical climates to develop resilient and high-yielding tomato varieties, focusing on improved heat tolerance, disease resistance, and adaptability to variable environmental conditions.

In our research and breeding operations, we apply multi-location phenotypic evaluation and genomic selection on specialized populations to accelerate the development of superior tomato germplasm. Long-term research involves the careful design of product profiles that fit the entire value chain and that address the specific challenges imposed at the target locations, followed by implementing an optimized breeding process to maximize the genetic gain for the prioritized traits. 

As part of this research process, the World Vegetable Center developed a MAGIC population aimed at combining heat-tolerance with disease resistances in lines that match preferred product profiles. Advanced tomato lines from this program were tested across Asia and Africa to identify genetic material that is suitable for those specific areas. Building on this research, we are now investigating the contribution of various heat tolerance sources and have begun a pyramiding process to produce a new SUPER MAGIC population to enhance the horticultural properties of improved heat tolerant lines. This genetic study equips researchers, breeders, and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary to drive the development of the next generation of tomato germplasm, ultimately contributing to nutrition and income security and greater sustainability of tomato farming in tropical and subtropical regions.

Session 6:
Technology platform demonstration, training needs and Public Private Partnership

Dr Jonathan P. Kressin
Pre-breeder - tomato and yardlong beans
East-West Seed co., based in Chiang Mai, Thailand

Dr. Jonathan Kressin is the tomato and yardlong bean pre-breeder at East-West Seeds, based in Chiang Mai, Thailand. He has been in this role for the last 6 years. Dr. Kressin leads internal and external interdisciplinary crop research and trait development projects in support of the East-West Seed group's commercial breeding crop teams, in partnership with their respective crop breeding managers. He also collaborates routinely with the genomics research, plant pathology, and bioinformatics teams. He received his MSc and PhD from North Carolina State University, focusing on tomato breeding and plant pathology. Dr. Kressin's expertise includes: 1) molecular marker development, 2) applied genomics, and 3) translational phenomics.

Mr. Jagadeesh Sunkad
Collaborations Officer
Zentron Labs Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India

Mr. Sunkad, has over 3 decades of experience in agriculture, with hands on experience in breeder seed multiplication and Seed Potato production systems (Aeroponics).  During the last five years, has worked on use of non-invasive techniques to understand internal properties of fruits.

Mr. Ravindranath J
Head of Business Development
Zentron Labs Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore, India

Mr. Ravindranath has over 15 years of experience in developing the business of vision systems.  At Zentron Labs, He has directly worked with Citrus and Apple value chain to adopt and deploy high speed systems for quality assessment.

Zentron Labs Pvt. Ltd. is a multi-disciplinary team based out of Bangalore India, that how developed research and commercial grade technologies and systems for quality assessment of various fruits and vegetables.  Using the entire range of electromagnetic wavelengths, ranging from UV, Visible, NIR, X-Ray, we have developed high speed systems to capture data and take decision for sorting and grading.

These technologies and systems are offered as a platform, where we have AI, ML models to analyse data and store the same.

By virtue of proprietary architecture, the AI / ML models can be custom adopted to meet breeders needs.  The models are accessed through an API architecture which ensures data privacy and security of the highest standards.

Our multi-disciplinary team consists of domain leaders in the space of mechanical engineering, Optics and Imaging, Electrical and Electronics, Software and AI/ML Domains.  

We place our credentials and Invite collaborative work, where by breeders and scientists can use the capabilities of the platform to take their Phenotyping capabilities to the next level.

Dr. Fe Dela Cueva
Scientist, Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Dr. Fe M. Dela Cueva is a plant pathologist and has significantly contributed to the varietal improvement of economically important crops with resistance to major diseases. Her works on various crops include the identification of the causal organism of emerging diseases through morpho-cultural, molecular and sequence analysis. Her group develops  protocols for rapid and efficient varietal screening and identification of sources of resistance to diseases. She is actively involved on the evaluation of germplasm accessions and breeding lines of tomato and eggplant for resistance to bacterial wilt.

PPP on Plant Pathology – collaborative projects from the Institute of Plant Breeding.

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) can be an effective and strategic approach to advance plant pathology research and enhance emerging disease management. The strong collaboration among public research institutions, private companies and other stakeholders leads to a better understanding of plant diseases and development of sustainable disease management strategies through the consolidation of our resources and expertise  Through PPP we can fast-track knowledge exchange, technology transfer and capacity building. At the Institute of Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture and Food Science, University of the Philippines Los Baños,  the interdisciplinary approach integrates various disciplines to generate new technologies (crop varieties and techniques).  Plant pathologists are mandated to identify economically important diseases, develop fast, reliable, and effective techniques to identify the disease reactions of different crops and perform mass evaluation of germplasm collection and breeding lines for resistance to major diseases.   Currently,  the research projects being implemented in the Plant Pathology laboratory include evaluation of germplasm introduction for disease resistance, plant pathogen characterization, protocol development for pathogen identification and validation studies. To date, genetic materials with promising reactions to bacterial wilt of tomato and eggplant, anthracnose of pepper, cucumber mosaic and leaf curl in tomato were identified but had not been fully utilized. Seeds of these promising genetic materials were either turned over to the breeders or were  lost due to power failures caused by severe typhoons. Despite strong linkages with government institutions, the Institute is eager to forge partnerships with international universities, non-government organizations, and companies to advance research in plant pathology, plant breeding, and related disciplines.

Dr. Chutikarn Butkinaree
Proteomics Research Team, National Omics Center, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology,
National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand

Dr. Chutikarn Butkinaree is the team leader of the Proteomics Research Team at the National Omics Center, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Her research aims to identify the molecular and biochemical mechanisms that regulate seed germination and ultimately seed quality of cucurbit crops using multiomics approaches. Her research interests include: 1) Identifying and validating biomarkers of seed quality and aging in cucurbit crops. 2) Developing new methods for accurate and rapid testing for quality assessment of cucurbit seeds. 3) Identifying the hub proteins and/or metabolites that regulate cucurbit seed germination to be used as a guide for the development of germination enhancement techniques.

Seed quality biomarker discovery: using multi-omics approaches to assess the impact of accelerated aging on seed germination and biochemical changes of Cucumis sativus​

​The quality of seeds is essential for successful crop production, as high-quality seeds result in better germination rates, faster emergence, and vigorous seedling growth, ultimately leading to higher crop yields and increased profitability. While the standard germination test is commonly used to assess seed quality, it is often laborious, time-consuming, and prone to inaccuracies due to subjective interpretation and potential pathogenic contamination. In this talk, I will present our strategy for developing a more efficient seed quality analysis method. We will explore the development of biomarkers for seed quality in Cucumis sativus using mass-spectrometry-based omics technologies, specifically proteomics and metabolomics.

Ms. Somchit Chaiwangyen
Vegetable Research and Training Officer
World Vegetable Center-East and Southeast Asia
Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand

Ms. Somchit is a Vegetable Research and Training Officer at the World Vegetable Center-East and Southeast Asia, located at Kasetsart University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. Her responsibilities include conducting vegetable research such as trials of disease-resistant tomato lines, evaluation of hybrid eggplants for grafting in Thailand, and assessment of horticultural traits in commercial vegetable varieties. In her training role, she has been responsible for organizing and leading the International Vegetable Training Course (IVTC) since 2013. She is currently involved in the Taiwan-Asia-Vegetable-Initiative (TAsVI) and the Resilient City Project at the center.

International Vegetable Training Courses

The International Vegetable Training Course (IVTC) is the World Vegetable Center's (WorldVeg) flagship annual program. Over four decades in Thailand, it has trained 996 agriculture professionals from 61 countries. Launched in 1982 as the Regional Training Course (RTC) on vegetable production and research, the program has adapted its content and duration several times, notably reduced from five to three months in 2005 due to budget constraints after the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) ended its funding.

Despite challenges in securing consistent donor funding after 2005, the program continued with core funding and various sponsors. In 2011, to increase global appeal, the RTC was renamed IVTC. The course now includes three interconnected four-week modules covering the value chain from "Seed to Harvest to Table and Beyond." The first module covers biodiversity and pre-harvest production, including integrated pest management and soil and water management. The second module focuses on nutritional security and postharvest handling, including value chain analysis and certified standards. The final module emphasizes sustainable development and project development aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the course has been condensed into a two-week format, focusing on Safe Vegetable Production and Vegetable Breeding for the Tropics.