1. Maintain and sustain a regional forum, such as the Asian Seed Congress, for APSA members to address their needs and formulate positions and recommendations on seed issues to improve seed sector performance.

  2. Promote the development of the seed industry for the betterment of crop production in the region and promote the use of quality seed.

  3. Stimulate technical and business co-operation among members. Share information and experience between and among APSA members on all aspects of seed activities.

  4. Represent the interests of APSA members at regional and international levels. Establish and maintain relationships with other relevant organisations pursuing similar or related objectives.

  5. Encourage the establishment of Seed Associations in the region and support their development.

  6. Facilitate the international movement and marketing of seeds and planting material through various actions addressing the issues of relevance to the regional seed industry including quarantine and other trade issues.

  7. Facilitate and contribute to the harmonization of regulatory procedures for seed and seed related issues toward internationally accepted standards.

  8. Promote the establishment and protection of intellectual property rights for seeds, plant varieties and associated technologies.