The APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium Annual Workshop will change the way you do breeding and business:
- Learn about the latest developments in breeding research from the WorldVeg team of internationally renowned plant breeders
- Scout field trials of improved breeding materials to enhance your cultivar catalog
- Meet WorldVeg breeders, scientists and other researchers to strengthen your knowledge network
ANNUAL WORKSHOP (click here to view & download agenda)
Participation in the workshop is open only to registered APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium companies. WorldVeg offers free workshop participation to one employee from each Consortium Company, including lodging on the nights of 5-7 May, meals from dinner of 5 May to lunch of 8 May, workshop materials, coffee breaks, and transportation to/from Kaohsiung Airport or Tainan High Speed Rail Station. All Consortium Companies must cover costs of their international travel and Taiwan High Speed Rail (if applicable).
Attendance fee for each additional participant: $600 USD
5 May 2025 (Mon.) |
Arrival of participants
6 May 2025 (Tue.) |
Session 1: Impact Generated by Consortium Members
- Update on the Use of WorldVeg Breeding Lines by Consortium Member
- Special recognition for key impact partners
Session 2: Vegetable Breeding Update
- Update on WorldVeg Tomato Breeding
- Update on WorldVeg Pepper Breeding
- Update on WorldVeg Cucurbit Breeding
- Update on WorldVeg Okra Breeding
Session 3: Ideas for Special Project Funding
- Accelerating Success: Rapid Access to High-Performing Tomato Hybrids and Advanced Breeding Materials
- Unlocking Genetic Potential: Exploring, Identifying, and Advancing TOBRFV Tolerance to Create Genetic Variation and Expand Diversity in Tomato Breeding
- Harnessing Cucurbit Heterosis Boosting Innovation and profitability for Modern Businesses
Session 4: Feedback from Consortium Members
- Views and experiences shared by consortium members for future consortium improvement
7 May 2025 (Wed.) |
Field tour to visit the demonstration trials of consortium exclusive tomato, pepper lines and luffa gourd F1 hybrids.
Visit and interact with vegetable exhibition booths hosted by the Taiwan Seeds Trade Association
- One-on-One meetings with WorldVeg Breeders/Pathologists (by prior appointment)
FEATURED CROPS during the annual workshop
* 8 new fresh market tomato lines: High-yielding with multiple disease resistances, including TYLCD and bacterial wilt, along with several additional resistances. Some of those lines feature crimson-old gold or high-pigment genes.
* 2 new dual-purpose tomato lines: High-yielding with multiple disease resistances, including TYLCD, bacterial wilt, and several other resistances. These lines produce medium-large, oblong-shaped fruits, suitable for both fresh market and processing.
* 8 newly-developed chili lines with multiple disease resistances, including anthracnose (C. acutatum and C. truncatum), Phytophthora capsici, Chili veinal mosaic virus (ChiVMV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), and bacterial wilt.
* 4 newly-developed sweet pepper lines with disease resistance to Tobamovirus (L4 gene) and ChiVMV.
* 6 new F1 hybrids of loofah with high fruit quality and resistance to tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) in Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand.
- 3 hybrids of Luffa acutangula (ridge gourd) belonging to the medium dark green and Long green segments.
- 3 hybrids of Luffa cylindrica (sponge gourd) belonging to medium green and light green segment.
POST-WORKSHOP TOUR (by prior registration only): 8 May 2025
A post-workshop tour will be organized to visit the local vegetable grafting nursery, LED Plant Factory as well as an agricultural research institute. The fee for the post-workshop tour is US$50 per person, including the expenses of transportation and lunch. Please indicate your participation in the consortium registration form.
8 May 2025 (Thu.) |
Post Workshop Tour
08.30 - 09.30: WorldVeg to Liujiao Township, Chiayi County
09.30 - 11.00: Visit Yu-Chia Vegetable Nursery
11.30 - 13.30: Lunch at 8yaya Shabu Shabu Restaurant
13.30 - 14.30: Taibao City, Chiayi County to Xinhua District, Tainan City
15.30 - 16.00: Xinhua District to Xigang District, Tainan City
17.00 - 17.30: Lumi Farm to WorldVeg
Registration Deadline: 11 April 2025
Any questions related to the APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium Annual Workshop, kindly contact Ms Kunaporn Phuntunil at kuna@apsaseed.org or Ms. Mandy Lin at mandy.lin@worldveg.org