A special project entitled “Developing new markets with better okra genetics: WorldVeg begomovirus resistant lines with improved horticultural traits to breed breakthrough F1 hybrids” is launched under the APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium with the following seven deliverables:
- Access to 100 WorldVeg okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) lines resistant (R) to intermediate resistant (IR) to yellow vein mosaic virus (YVMV) and enation leaf curl virus (ELCV) and their multi-location trial data against begomoviruses that were conducted in virus hotspots in India.
- Access to begomovirus resistance evaluation data and the resistant lines of 172 Abelmoschus caillei germplasm that was conducted in virus hotspots in India.
- Access to more than 50 elite WorldVeg okra F1 hybrids and their parents and data of their evaluations in virus hotspots in India.
- Access to super recurrent selection population prepared from the materials tested for resistance in virus hotspots in India.
- Access to the sequence-based genetic diversity analysis report of commercial okra F1 hybrids and selective WorldVeg okra elite lines resistant to begomoviruses.
- Access to the molecular markers associated with QTLs conferring resistance to okra begomoviruses.
- Access to the report on okra begomovirus-vector variability at five virus hotspots in India.
For detailed project activities, timeline and deliverables, please refer to the project full proposal, CLICK HERE
- 1 February 2025 – 31 January 2027 (2 years)
- 15 September – 31 October 2024
- Minimum of 30 companies at 28,000 USD per company
- Maximum of 40 companies at 21,000 USD per company
* Each project member company will be provided 100 WorldVeg okra lines (100 seeds/line) which are rated as resistant (R) to intermediate resistant (IR) to YVMV and ELCV; 20 accessions of begomoviruses resistant A. caillei collections; and 20 parental lines of okra F1 hybrids, free of charge.
- 1 December 2024-31 January 2025
Please note that only the active members of the 2025 APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium are eligible to participate in this project, and all project partners undertake to share the project cost equally. The actual budget per participating company will be calculated based on the final number of registered companies.
If you are interested in joining the APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium Special Project
on Developing New Markets with Better Okra Genetics
Any questions related to this project, kindly contact Ms. Xiaofeng Li at xiaofeng@apsaseed.org or Ms. Mandy Lin at mandy.lin@worldveg.org