Molecular Breeding 14 - 18 October 2024 at WorldVeg Headquarters, Tainan

A training entitled “Molecular Breeding - from trait mapping to marker-assisted selection” is organized to provide hands-on experience for seed company staff in plant genotyping, QTL mapping, and marker development for marker-assisted selection. It will enable participants to apply cost-effective tools to develop markers from segregating populations and germplasm panels for use in research and breeding.

Training Objectives

  • Increase knowledge: Gain in-depth understanding of trait mapping and marker-assisted selection
  • Develop skills: Establish mapping populations, perform cost-efficient SNP genotyping, QTL mapping, develop and validate markers
  • Implement strategies: Learn marker-assisted backcrossing
  • Network and collaborate: Connect with fellow industry professionals and explore new technologies.

Training Details

  • Dates: 14-18 October 2024 (5 days)
  • Location: WorldVeg Headquarters, Tainan
  • Participants: Up to 20 participants, first come first served
    (Note: If the number of registered participants is less than 15, the organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes and cancellations. Any relevant changes will be announced on the event webpage)

Training Fees

  • General participants: US $1,400
  • 2024 APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium company participants: US $1,300
  • Note: Registration Fee Includes meals, coffee breaks, access to diverse expert trainers, and KHH airport or Tainan HSR pick-up/drop-off, excluding accommodation
Registration will close on 31 August 2024

Training Program

13 October (Sun) Arrival of participants
14 October (Mon) Introduction to molecular breeding
 - Genotyping by sequencing -library preparation (hands-on training)
15 October (Tue) Trial design and biometrics
 - GBS library preparation - continuation (Hands-on training)
16 October (Wed) DNA Sequencing
 - SNP calling (Hands-on training)
 - GBS library preparation - continuation (Hands-on training)
17 October (Thu) Marker-trait association
 - QTL analysis, marker development and validation (Hands-on training)
18 October (Fri) Molecular breeding in practice
19 October (Sat) Departure of participants

Any questions related to this training, kindly contact Ms. Xiaofeng Li at or Ms. Mandy Lin at