CSA is a nationwide non-profit, headquartered in Beijing. Founded in 1980, today* it has 1,249 members -- including 987 seed companies -- comprising nine chapters and five committees. General Meetings are held every five years. The 245-member Council meets yearly; an 81-member Standing Council meets every six months. The CSA has a president and 24 vice presidents who, every three months, confer at a President’s Meeting. There is also a Board of Supervisors. The Secretariat has 20 staff in four departments: General Management; Cooperation & Exchange; Member Service & Exhibition; and Credit Construction & Law Service. CSA's Nine Chapters comprise: Rice; Corn; Wheat; Cotton; Vegetables; Silage Corn; Fresh Corn; Soybean; and Potato. The Five Committees are: Seed Coating; Mechanization; South Propagation; International Cooperation; and Plant Variety Protection. CSA's Strategic Plan 2017 - 2022 mandates: improving communication channels; developing special activities such as the annual Fresh Corn Chapter Value Chain Conference; expanding the Industry's credit system (which presently includes 373 enterprises rated A - AAA); strengthening international cooperation; and hosting the March 21 - 22 China Seed Congress in Beijing.Last year's Congress was attended by some 1,200 delegates from more than ten countries and international organizations.
The above information is based on a presentation given during APSA's annual National Seed Associations meeting, held on 27 November, 2019.