TURKTOB was founded and legally registered in 2008, with seven sub-unions covering seed industrialists and producers (915 members), seedlings (151), saplings (845), ornamentals (763), seed growing (43,452), seed distribution (6,613) and plant breeding (287). The Executive Committee has seven members, one from each sub-union. Turkey's seed legislation and regulatory framework are harmonized with those of the EU and the global seed industry. Seed sector foreign trade is increasing and developing in favor of exports. Association foci are on increasing institutional capacities; ensuring adequate, high quality, certified seed production; developing R&D infrastructure, brand varieties, and exports; increasing competitiveness; and facilitating creation of legislation relevant to these goals. Moreover, no legal or technical obstacles block investment in the Turkish seed sector, which is entirely open to foreign companies. Study tours are welcomed.
The above information is based on a presentation given during APSA's annual National Seed Associations meeting, held on 27 November, 2019. For the latest information about Turktob, visit their website directly.