Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022 25 - 27 July 2022


This Activity is a component of the Seed Trade Capacity Building Project in the Lower Mekong Region funded under the Mekong-U.S. Partnership (MUSP), formerly known as Lower Mekong Initiative. Following the successful first Mekong Regional workshop on seeds on 25 – 29 November, 2018 and a second workshop conducted virtually on 8 – 10 June, 2021, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service is inviting Country Representative from the Seed Offices of Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia as well as observers from the private sector of the namely countries to attend the Lower Mekong Seed Regional Workshop. Unfortunately, there will be no representation again this year from Myanmar due to civil unrest following the military coup there. 

The representatives will participate in an educational virtual workshop in line with recommendations from all countries during the workshop in June, 2021. Key representatives from each participating country will be expected to share update on progress made in their countries and current top priorities for future intervention.

The workshop will be themed Plant Breeding and Plant Variety Protection (Day I), Seed Laboratory Accreditation and Certification (Day II), and Seed Phytosanitary Regulations and Standards (Day III).


  • Virtual educational webinar

​The participants are able to invite more participants to learn on the topic set on each day. The presentation and the record of the webinar will be shared to all participants after the meeting.

  • Seed Trade Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong Project Workplan
During this time Seed Trade Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong Progress Report will be presented by Government official delegations’ representative on each topic (Plant variety protection, seed lab accreditation, seed certification and phytosanitary regulation).  Discussion groups will be organized to review on the priority and the type of capacity building training is needed in the region and in its respective country.


  1. Strengthen and bring awareness to seed sectors, on seed trade capacities, and rules-and science-based policy environments
  2. Foster cooperation and the harmonization of seed policies among Lowe Mekong Countries (LMCs), consistent with practices and approaches in the United States and with relevant international guidelines 
  3. Promote public-private partnerships related to enabling environments for seed use and trade in LMCs
  4. Developed an action plan for capacity building activities


  1. Increase regional harmonization in seed policy, use, and trade through expert dialogue resulting in more food secure Mekong Region.   
  2. Annual review platform for the Seed Trade Capacity Building in the Lower Mekong Assessment Report Action Plan
  3. Increased Engagement and Support of Government and Private Sector Partners amongst each other
  4. Increase the knowledge and awareness of the country representatives of the Seed Sector




15 June 2022

The template to review and update the country priority, registration form and the power point template to be submitted to MUSP delegates

15 July 2022

A representative of each country submit the list of participants, country priority and ppt files to organizer (APSA secretariat)

22 July 2022

All registered participants will receive the username and password and the link to attend the virtual workshop from APSA secretariat

25 July 2022

Day 1 of Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022
Moderated by Mr. Khahil Hamid, Program Manager, USDA FAS

8.30 – 9.00

System open and participants start to log-in

9.00 – 9.05

Housekeeping rules by APSA Secretariat

9.05 – 9.15

Opening Remarks
Mr. Mark Slupek, Assistant Administrator, Global Programs USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

9.15 – 9.25

Overview of MUSP and Seed Sector Development Project
Ms. Nicole Smilonke, Branch Chief Multilateral Affairs Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs, U.S Department of State

9:25 - 9:35

Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance – 2022 Actitivies Update
Dr. Kanokwan (May) Chodchoey, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)

9.35 – 10:40

Round table introduction (ppt template for Day1)
Representative from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, respectively (15 mins per country)

  • Current status of PVP law
  • Challenges and strategic plan in 2022 - 2024
10.40 – 11.10

PVP Protection and IP Enforcement in Seed Industry
Mr. Haruka Shiota, Deputy Director of Plant Variety Protection Office, Intellectual Property Division, Export and International Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

11.10 – 11.30

Implication of the New Plant Breeding Tool for Climate Resilient Crops
Dr. Jack Okamuro, Crop Production and Protection National Program Leader, Plant Biology, USDA Agricultural Research Service 

11.30 – 11.55

Q&A Session

11.55 – 12.00

Wrap up and closing by moderator

26 July 2022

Day 2 of Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022
Moderated by
 Dr. Kanokwan (May) Chodchoey, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)
Ms Lainey Wolf, Manager, International Programs, American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)

8.30 – 9.00

System open and participants start to log-in

9.00 – 9.05

Housekeeping rules and moderator to wrap up Day 1

9.05 – 10.15

Round table introduction (ppt template for Day 2)
Representative from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, respectively (15 mins per country)

10.15 – 10.45

ISTA Lab Accreditation Process: A Success Story from Thailand
Dr. Papassorn Watanakulpakin, Agricultural Officer and Head of ISTA Accredited Seed Testing Laboratory, Department of Agriculture, Thailand

10.45 – 11.15

Seed Certification: Practice Sharing
Dr. Stephen Malone, US OECD Seed Scheme Program Manager, USDA AMS Seed Regulatory and Testing Division

11.15 – 11.55

Q&A Session

11.55 – 12.00

Wrap up and closing by Dr Stephen Malone 

27 July 2022

Day 3 of Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022
Moderated by Dr. Kanokwan (May) Chodchoey, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)
Ms Lainey Wolf, Manager, International Programs, American Seed Trade Association (ASTA)

8.30 – 9.00

System open and participants start to log-in

9.00 – 9.05

Housekeeping rules and Day 2 wrap up by the moderator

9.05 – 10.15

Round table introduction (ppt template for Day 3)
Representative from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, respectively

10.15 – 10.45

Pest Risk Review, ISPM38 Implimentation and PPP: Best Practice Sharing by the Philippines
Ms. Joan-May R. Tolentino, Supervising Agriculturist, National Plant Quarantine Service Division, NPPO Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, Philippines

10.45 – 11.15

ISF Systems Approach and e-Phyto Update
Dr. Rose Souza Richards, Seed Health Manager, International Seed Federation (ISF)

11.15  – 11.30

Q&A Session 

11.30 – 11.45

Countries’ Priority and Regional Priority Summary
Dr. Kanokwan (May) Chodchoey, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)

11.45 – 12.00

MUSP Workplan Summary and Way Forward
Dr. Kanokwan (May) Chodchoey, Executive Director, Asia and Pacific Seed Alliance (APSA)
Mr. Khahil Hamid, Program Manager, USDA FAS

5 August 2022

The presentation files and record of webinar sessions are shared to all registered participants

26 August 2022

Summary report of MUSP virtual workshop is shared to key representatives from MUSP countries.