APSA welcomes delegates back to Bangkok for 8th Phytosanitary Expert Consultation

Bangkok: APSA on August 29 and 30 hosted more than 40 delegates for its 8th Phytosanitary Expert Consultation. 

Themed "Public – Private Partnership for Enhancing Seed Trade for the Asia Pacific Region Asia Pacific, this year's meeting brought together stakeholders from the public and private sectors in a round-table format to facilitate discussions and cooperation in the implementation and harmonization of phytosanitary regulations, with an emphasis science-based, internationally accepted systems and standards that enable the unhindered movement and trade of pest-free healthy, quality seeds.

The meeting was presided over by Deputy Director-General of the Department of Agriculture, Dr. Phatchayaphon Meunchang, and APSA President, who both echoed the importance of public-private partnerships and cooperation to ensure seed movements.


Dr. Phatchayaphon Meunchang, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Agriculture (left) and Mr. Wichai Laocharoenpornkul, APSA's President

Some of the main topics included ISPM38 on the International Movement of Seed, ISPM 45 on the authorization of the third-party entities as well as the Systems Approach and the the use of electronic phytosanitary (ePhyto) certificates to increase efficiency and mitigate risks.

 Attending in person are 19 officers from 12 National Plant Protection Organizations (Philippines, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Cambodia, Laos and Pakistan) as well as six NPPOs from three countries joining online (Indonesia, Australia, Bangladesh). 

Also attending are six reps from five National Seed Associations or NSAs of the Philippines, Thailand, Japan, Bangladesh, and India while NSA reps from China, Korea and Vietnam are also joining online, in addition to expert resource persons from the American Seed Trade Association, International Seed Federation, International Seed Federation and CropLife Asia. 

Full report to be published later.