APSA’s Standing Committee on Seed Technology (April 1) successfully held its first in a new series of webinars for APSA members. It featured three interesting and engaging presentations, including an ‘Overview of Seed Health Testing for Pathogenic Plant Viruses’ (Reverse Transcriptase Conventional and Real-Time PCR, ELISA and Bioassay) by Thomas Baldwin, Head of Molecular Detection, @GEVES; a presentation on the ‘Method Validation for Virus Pathogens Testing’ by Daniel Bakker, Senior Researcher, R&D Department, at @Naktuinbouw; followed by an ‘Overview of Phytosanitary Regulation’ by Michael Leader, the chair of APSA’s Standing Committee on International Trade & Quarantine. Active APSA members are invited to log in and watch all three presentations #ondemand, download the presentation slides via this link. (APSA member login required)