Pakistan Seed Industry News

This page features a compilation and selection of Pakistani seed industry news briefs, summaries and leads, with an emphasis on events that impact or affect provinces, regions, counties, cities and locales in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 

The news covers trends and events regarding seed regulation, testing, legislation, phytosanitary issues, intellectual property rights, biotechnology (genomics, gene-editing) plant breeding, agronomy and cropping, with original sources linked.

This page will be updated throughout the year, with most recent briefs listed first.


2024 News

High-Quality Seeds to Combat Food Insecurity: May 1: Agricultural experts in Lahore have stressed the urgent need for high-quality, resilient seeds to tackle escalating food insecurity, according to The Express Tribune. Speaking at the Pakistan Seed Congress, they emphasized that robust public-private partnerships are essential for providing farmers with these seeds to withstand climate challenges. UAF Vice Chancellor Iqrar Ahmad Khan noted the success of hybrid seed technology in boosting corn yields and advocated for its wider adoption across various crops. Experts also highlighted the potential to increase wheat production significantly, allowing for crop diversification and enhancing overall agricultural productivity. More details here

Ambitious Cotton Production Target for 2024/25 Set: April 26: Pakistan has set a cotton production target of 10.8 million bales for the 2024-25 season, aiming to recover from recent setbacks including severe flooding. The Federal Committee on Agriculture (FCA), chaired by Minister Rana Tanveer Hussain, announced this goal during a meeting on Kharif season crops, which also includes rice, maize, and sugarcane. The meeting highlighted the essential role of cotton in boosting exports and economic growth, with strategies focusing on sufficient water, fertilizer availability, and innovative farming practices. The FCA also reviewed Rabi crop performance, noting successes and shortfalls, and discussed agricultural input availability and urea fertilizer management for the upcoming planting season. More details here

Flash Floods Devastate Crops: April 16: Recent torrential rains and flash floods have severely damaged wheat crops and fruit orchards across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa's Swat, Shangla, and Dir districts, causing significant economic losses for farmers. The floods, particularly in low-lying areas near rivers Punjkora and Kabul, have exacerbated the financial struggles of affected farmers in the area after fields were completely inundated. The KP agriculture department plans to conduct a survey of the affected areas to determine relief measures. More details here





Challenges and Reforms Needed for Country’s Seed Sector: Mar 28: The primary aim of agricultural research and development is to enhance crop productivity and profitability. Despite introducing numerous crop varieties in Pakistan, the sector has not fully utilized its potential, with only 37 percent of the required certified seeds accessible to farmers. This gap is primarily due to inefficiencies in the regulatory structure of seed markets. Bridging this gap necessitates policies and interventions to provide small-scale farmers with better access to quality seeds, technology, training, and financial support. The current regulatory processes involve multiple government departments, resulting in delays and additional costs, which hamper growth and investment in the seed sector. More details here

Wheat Production Challenges Amid Fertilizer Pricing Issues: March 9: Farmers are contending with soaring urea prices, reportedly paying over USD 18 per bag due to alleged industry monopolies, prompting the caretaker government to involve the Competition Commission. The Ministry of National Food Security and Research anticipates a wheat production shortfall, projecting only 29 million tons against a target of 32 million tons for the current season. This gap is exacerbated by high input costs and expected heat waves. Furthermore, discrepancies in wheat support prices between provinces, particularly in Sindh and Balochistan, are complicating efforts for uniform procurement, with both provinces setting higher prices than the federally approved USD 14 per 40 kg, leading to potential financial losses for farmers. More details here

Challenges Faced by Women Farmers in Pakistan: February 25: A study by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) highlights that women farmers in Pakistan are often unacknowledged for their critical role in agriculture, facing barriers to recognition and access to resources due to traditional land ownership definitions. Facing up to 18-hour workdays, they struggle with accessing land, credit, and technology, alongside a lack of agricultural education, advisory services, and fair labor rights. More details here

Urea Distribution Delays Worsen Agricultural Crisis: February 16: Delays in distributing imported urea are exacerbating challenges for Pakistan's farmers, with 150,000 metric tonnes essential for wheat production yet to be allocated due to government indecision. The situation threatens crop yields and farmer profitability, amidst concerns over potential urea price hikes and economic pressures from increased production costs. More details here

Drought Threatens Pakistan's Agriculture: February 1: Winter crops are at risk due to a severe rainfall shortage, impacting farmers' livelihoods and the country's food security. With significantly lower than normal winter rainfall, agricultural production, especially of wheat, faces potential deficits. Experts link these extreme weather conditions to climate change, predicting ongoing challenges for both water availability and crop yields. The situation highlights the urgent need for adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate variability on Pakistan's agriculture. More details here

Regulations Progress for Medical and Industrial Cannabis: 26 Jan: Pakistan is expediting the formation of the Cannabis Control and Regulatory Authority (CCRA) to oversee marijuana cultivation for medical and industrial use, building on earlier projects by the previous government. The CCRA, under the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, will license cannabis cultivation, with a draft composition for its board and a map for potential cultivation areas in development. Alongside, the government is updating the National Seed Policy to include genetically modified crops and a track and trace system for seeds, enhancing agricultural practices. The establishment of the National Seed Authority (NSA) and the Agricultural Development Authority is also underway, with the latter focusing on regulations for corporate and smallholder farming. More details here


President Advocates forTechnology in Tackling Climate Crisis: Jan 24: At the Regional Dialogue 2024 on “Climate Crisis: Shaping South Asia’s Resilience,” President Dr. Arif Alvi emphasized the vital role of modern agricultural technology and effective decision-making in addressing climate challenges. He highlighted Pakistan's natural resource wealth, including significant water availability, and advocated for advanced irrigation techniques and the implementation of a national water policy to promote conservation. He urged the promotion of sustainable energy sources, like solar power, and commended think tanks for their research contributions, emphasizing their role in informing policy decisions. More details here

Rice Exports Soar, Balancing Economic Gain and Food Security Challenges: Jan 20:

Pakistan's rice exports have surged by over 76% in the first half of the financial year, reaching USD 1.63 billion, driven by bumper crop yields and robust international demand. This growth, which includes a significant 48.35% increase in volume, is partly due to the Indian export ban, leading buyers to shift to the Pakistani market. Exporters predict that total rice exports could reach a historic USD 3.5 billion, especially with rising demand in the Middle East ahead of Ramadan. However, this export boom raises concerns about domestic food security, as rice prices have soared by over 45% in urban areas and above 50% in rural areas, contributing to annual food inflation of 27.5%. Policymakers are faced with balancing economic benefits with the need to ensure affordable rice prices for local consumers, mirroring similar strategies adopted by other rice-exporting nations like Thailand and Vietnam. More details here

Hybrid Wheat to Boost Crop Production and Improve Food Security: Jan 13: Pakistan is showing interest in China's hybrid wheat varieties, known for their saline tolerance and potential to increase wheat production, a crucial crop in the country. Dr. Sikandar Khan from the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) highlights the need for hybrid wheat to counter declining wheat yields and avert food insecurity in Pakistan. Acknowledging China's agricultural innovation in developing high-yielding, stress-resistant, and nutritious wheat varieties, Pakistan aims to collaborate with China to integrate these advancements into its own agricultural practices. This cooperation is expected to enhance wheat production and strengthen Pakistan's overall agricultural sector, contributing to food security and economic development. According to research, Chinese hybrid wheat has shown promising performance in Pakistan's key wheat-producing areas. More details here

2023 News


2023 News


APTMA and BCI Collaborate for Sustainable Cotton: 25 Nov: The All-Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) Cotton Foundation and the Better Cotton Initiative Pakistan (BCI) have signed an MoU to enhance sustainable cotton production in Pakistan. The partnership aims to revolutionize cotton production through model and cluster farming, focusing on environmental and economic sustainability. Key initiatives include strengthening the cotton value chain, improving productivity, and implementing a traceability system for ethical compliance. The collaboration will support increased cotton production, quality improvement, and the development of a sustainable, transparent supply chain in the Pakistan textile industry. Source

Certified Seeds Key to Agricultural Growth in Pakistan: 20 Nov: Shahzad Ali Malik, Chairman of the Pakistan Hitch Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA), emphasized the critical role of certified, particularly hybrid, seeds in sustainable agricultural production. Addressing a delegation of farmers, the Chairman highlighted that certified seeds are fundamental for robust crop yields and sustainable agriculture. Hybrid seeds offer benefits like increased productivity, better disease resistance, and adaptation to local environments. In Pakistan, where agriculture is a major economic sector, the use of certified hybrid seeds can significantly boost food security and economic development. Malik advocated for increased awareness among farmers about the benefits of these seeds and called for supportive policies and initiatives to ensure their accessibility and affordability. Source

MoU Signed for Climate-Resilient Agriculture: 19 Nov: The Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) and the Food Security and Agriculture Center of Excellence (FACE) of Fauji Fertilizer Company (FFC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to tackle agricultural challenges posed by climate change and enhance food security. The MoU, signed at the COMSATS Secretariat, focuses on adopting innovative technologies and sustainable farming practices, including joint research, capacity building, and knowledge sharing. Key areas of collaboration include integrated pest management, quality seed production, CRISPR-Cas9 technology, and solutions for land reclamation and water management in climate-vulnerable regions. Source

Sustainable Cotton Farming Initiative Launched: 07 Oct: A five-year plan focused on sustainable and traceable organic cotton farming in Pakistan's fertile Pacca Chang region has been launched. The initiative aims to promote eco-friendly cotton production practices that are both sustainable and can be traced back to their source. Source

New High-Yielding Varieties of Oilseed and Sugarcane Recommended: 04 Oct: The Variety Evaluation Committee of Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) has recommended 10 new high-yielding genotypes of oilseed crops and two of sugarcane for commercial cultivation. The new varieties include four sunflower hybrids, three mustard varieties, and one variety each of soybean, rapeseed, and groundnut. Source


Pakistan Army to Take Over Government Land for Agriculture: 25 Sep: The Pakistan Army plans to acquire up to 1 million acres of government-owned land in eastern Punjab province to boost food production. The land will be leased for up to 30 years and is expected to be used for growing cash crops like wheat, cotton, and sugarcane, as well as vegetables and fruits. Twenty percent of any profit generated will be allocated for farming research and development. Source

Reviving Pakistan's Seed Industry: 24 Sep: Pakistan's seed industry is in dire need of modernization to meet the challenges of a growing population and changing agricultural landscape. The Punjab Seed Corporation, once a major player in the seed business, has lost its influence, and the country faces a seed crisis with only 39% of the market offering certified seeds. A Public Sector Development Programme project has been launched to promote a quality seed industry led by the private sector, aiming to meet international standards set by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA). Source

Pakistan aims to produce quality seeds to reduce imports: August 28: Pakistan's Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department Director General, Azam Khan, underscored the necessity of domestic quality seed production to cut down the annual import expenditure of Rs50 billion. Khan emphasized that private sector involvement in producing basic seeds could reduce imports, driving agricultural development and ensuring food security. The introduction of a management information system (MIS) is set to bolster seed company capacities, enhancing monitoring by regulators to ensure farmers access certified seeds. Suggestions from companies will activate the Seed Track and Trace System. The MIS aims to monitor certified seed stages and discourage substandard seed sales, as highlighted by the department's directors, Nazar Iqbal and Hayyat Ullah Tareen. Seed Association of Pakistan (SAP) President Rana Salman Mehmood and General Secretary Bilal Gujjar praised the system's potential benefits for seed companies and called for a gradual, effective implementation. Source.

Farmers demand higher price for sugarcane: August 27: The Sindh Chamber of Agriculture (SCA) urged a sugarcane price of Rs450 per maund due to increased input costs. The fixed rate of Rs425 per 40 kilograms by sugar mills was rejected. Rising prices of seeds, fertilizer, pesticides, and fuel, alongside fertilizer industry extortion, were highlighted. Dealers monopolizing fertilizer supplies and inflating prices were condemned. The SCA called for government action, emphasizing the need to address hoarding and overpricing to curb food price inflation and support wheat farmers with low-interest loans. Source.

Hi-tech hybrid seeds key in tackling climate challenges: August 25: Pakistan Hitech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) Chairman Shahzad Ali Malik highlighted the pivotal role of hi-tech hybrid seeds in mitigating the impacts of unpredictable weather patterns and changing climate conditions. The adoption of these seeds has transformed the agriculture industry in recent years. Malik emphasized the profound economic impact of these seeds, leading to increased productivity, thus enhancing food security, price stability, and a consistent supply of agricultural goods. Source.

Pakistan's sesame seed exports surge due to China trade agreement: August 13: Pakistan's sesame seed exports showed remarkable growth in 2022, attributed to the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement and favorable prices in the Chinese market. Exports to China reached $59.09 million in the first nine months of CY22, marking a 50% YoY increase. China imported 39,533 tons of sesame seeds, valued at $59.09 million, in 2022, a 22% rise in volume compared to 2021's 32,487 tons worth $39.44 million. Sesame is a vital oilseed crop known for its high-quality oil and protein content (50%-58%). Suited for hot, dry climates, it finds applications in various sectors like food, confectionery, bakery products, soap, perfumes, vegetable oil, and carbon paper. Pakistani farmers are increasingly adopting sesame cultivation due to its high-end and high-price potential, as stated by Nazakat Nawaz, Principal Scientific Officer at the National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC). Source.

Pakistan and China Seek Collaboration for High-Yield Hybrid Seeds: July 25: The Pakistan Hitech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) delegation embarked on a week-long visit to China to explore collaboration with its Chinese counterparts for joint production of new varieties of high-yield hybrid seeds. PHHSA Chairman Shahzad Ali Malik stated that this collaboration could prove beneficial for both countries. By leveraging the expertise of Chinese experts, the association aims to develop hybrid seeds with desirable traits, such as improved yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to specific climates. These seeds have the potential to significantly enhance crop productivity and contribute to food security in Pakistan. The collaboration is expected to augment advancements in crop varieties and address agricultural challenges faced by the nation. Source.

Pakistan Releases 31 Wheat Varieties to Boost Food Security and Resilience

July 11: Pakistan's goal of achieving self-sufficiency in wheat production receives a boost with the release of 31 wheat varieties since 2021. These new seeds are expected to enhance the productivity, climate resilience, and disease resistance of the country's 9 million hectares of cultivated wheat fields. The selection process involved rigorous testing of international nurseries and field trials, and the new varieties have shown a promising yield potential, with improvements ranging from 5% to 20%. They also exhibit resistance to prevalent diseases, making them well-suited to combat environmental stressors like drought and heat. These efforts align with Pakistan's Vision 2025 and Vision for Agriculture 2030, which underscore the importance of improving food and nutrition security through sustainable wheat production. Source.


Five year grace on local seed production mandate: May 2023: APSA has been informed by its stakeholders that the government of Pakistan recently granted a five-year grace period for implementation of its previously announced rule 4(8)(b)(iv) that mandated for seed importing companies to produce at least 10 percent of seed of its imported varieties locally in the first year (initially intended to commence 2022), and no less than 50 percent within five years. The rule concerns implementation of Seed (Business Regulation) Rules, 2021, amending the 2016 rules (See letter from Pakistan government to APSA here for further details on the amendment) The grace, which is outlined in a 16 page document recently circulated amongst concerned stakeholders, is the result of sustained advocacy and public sector engagement efforts by the international seed sector, led by CropLife Pakistan. It is understood that the grace period is applied retroactively, effective from 2022 through 2027.

Quality seed key to enhanced Punjab cotton production: April 27: The commissioner of Punjab’s Multan division, Amir Khattak, chaired a meeting on cotton cultivation and emphasized the urgent need to increase cotton production in Multan division and across the province. He highlighted the importance of quality seed preparation and instructed officials to ensure its availability with expert consultation. Khattak recognized cotton as a valuable source of foreign exchange and called for measures to enhance per-acre cotton production. Industrialist Khawaja Anees suggested resolving farmers' and cotton ginners' issues, strengthening the research sector, and launching a special awareness campaign for cotton cultivation in sugarcane-dominated areas. Relevant department officials were present during the meeting.

Commissioner For Taking Steps To Enhance Cotton Production - UrduPoint

Pakistan Receipient of Highest Funding in Asia from ADB: April 25: According to the annual report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Pakistan received the highest funding of any Asian country in 2022, with the ADB financing projects worth $5.5 billion and providing concessional loans of USD 2 billion. The report stated that Pakistan's economy suffered due to devastating floods, which caused 1,730 deaths as well as the destruction of crops, an imbalance of supply and demand, and increased inflation. The floods affected a total of 33.3 million people, and caused a loss of $30 billion to Pakistan's economy. The ADB provided $1.5 billion for the flood-affected areas in Pakistan, while international trade partners have promised $16 billion for the restoration of the flood-affected areas. Source

Pakistan Water Crisis Threatens Cotton Production: April 25: Pakistan is facing a water crisis as the country's water losses have exceeded its storage capacity, negatively impacting crops in the early Kharif season such as cotton. The country is only able to store 13 million acres feet (MAF) of water while losing around 15-17 MAF. This significant loss of water costs USD 1 billion to the national economy, which could be reduced through efficient use of water according to a meeting of the Indus River System Authority (Irsa).

Climate change has affected the trends of water availability, delaying the availability of water in the rivers and affecting crops during the Kharif season, which begins in April and continues until September. Key Kharif crops include rice, sugarcane, maize, mash pulse, and cotton. According to Irsa, Punjab and Sindh provinces will face a 27% water shortage in the current Kharif season, posing a serious threat to the Kharif crops, particularly cotton, which is a key crop in Pakistan's agricultural economy.

Pakistan's cotton production has fallen due to farmers switching to other more profitable crops, including rice, maize, and sugarcane. In the last four years, cotton output has dropped from around 12 million bales to just 7 million bales in 2020-21 and about 9.45 million bales in 2021-22. In addition, unprecedented flooding last year significantly damaged the standing cotton crop, reducing the overall production to only 4.76 million bales from a target of 9 million bales. Source

Opportunities for Seed Collaboration: April 12: A Chinese seed company, Hainan State Farms Nanfan Industrial Group, and the Pakistani embassy in China have agreed to explore opportunities to collaborate on breeding seeds. The Pakistani embassy has expressed its interest in promoting collaboration between agricultural enterprises in both countries, while the Chinese seed company will communicate with Pakistani seed enterprises and research institutes to find potential avenues for seed breeding, agricultural research and development, and cultivation. An online forum will be organised to encourage seed cooperation and exchanges. China recently collected 124,000 new agricultural germplasm resources during the country's third census since 2015. Source

Balochistan to distribute rice seeds after Eid: April 17: The government of Balochistan will distribute free rice seeds and agricultural machinery to farmers in four districts with the help of a $5 million grant from the Asian Development Bank. The Secretary of the agriculture department, Umaid Ali Khokhar, stated that the department is committed to the development of the agriculture sector and helping farmers. The distribution of wheat seeds was launched last year to provide relief to farmers after monsoon rains caused significant damage to the agriculture sector. The wheat seeds were distributed transparently among farmers, resulting in record wheat production in Balochistan. The Asian Development Bank announced a loan of $15 million for the province after the 2022 floods. Source

Pakistan and South Korea collaborate on aeroponic technology: March 27: Pakistan and South Korea are collaborating on a project to produce potato seeds through aeroponic technology. This joint project aims to increase productivity, reduce post-harvest losses, promote farm-level processing, develop human resources, and create job opportunities. Over 30% of Pakistan's potato seed requirements can be met from tissue culture labs at the National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC). The project aims to establish additional greenhouses at NARC to produce 400,000 nucleus seed potatoes, resulting in the production of 4,000,000 first-generation seed potato tubers for large-scale cultivation. This initiative will help reduce Pakistan's annual import of potato seed and minimize the import bill. The project's goal is to produce 150,000 tons of high-quality fourth-generation seed potatoes within five years. Source

Policymakers consider support price for cotton: March 24: Pakistan is experiencing a significant decline in cotton production, with a per-acre yield only half that of neighboring countries due to farmers switching to more profitable crops like rice, maize, and sugarcane. This decline is a cause for concern among economic policymakers, who are considering developing a support price mechanism for cotton. The Ministry of National Food Security and Research is looking into the wheat and sugarcane model for the cotton support price. The Ministry also notes that cotton production has been decreasing while the planting area is shrinking, but Pakistan has the potential to produce up to 15 million bales to meet the demands of the textile industry. The recent unprecedented floods significantly damaged the cotton crop, leading to a mere 4.76 million bales of production against a target of 9 million bales. Consultations have been held with stakeholders to draw up a cotton intervention price proposal, with growers proposing an intervention price of Rs7,000-8,000 per 40 kg. Source


Chinese Canola Flowers Benefiting Pakistan Farmers: February 19: Pakistan and China's partnership under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has resulted in Chinese seed company Wuhan Qingfa Hesheng's canola variety HC-021C flourishing in Pakistan. This new variety offers a shorter growth period, higher disease resistance, and is suitable for high-density planting. HC-021C also has a 5% higher yield compared to local varieties, contributing to Pakistan's edible oil production, lowering import bills, and increasing the income of local farmers. Moreover, HC-021C's higher oil content and price make it a better alternative to other local canola varieties. Read original story here

Traders push for competitive wheat support in Punjab: February 14: The Pakistan Business Forum (PBF) has called on the Punjab government to increase the wheat support price for the 2023 procurement season from Rs 3000 ($11.46) per maund (37.3 kg) to Rs 3,900 ($14.89) per maund. The call was made in light of a recent increase in the wheat price by the Sindh government to Rs4,000 per maund – the price difference between the two provinces resulting in cases of wheat smuggling from Punjab to Sindh. Last year, the uniform wheat price of Rs2,200 per maund in Punjab and Sindh helped to stabilize the grain market. The cost of wheat cultivation in Punjab, minus profit, is reportedly Rs2,965 per 40 maund. Source

Students to Receive Hybrid Seeds and Tissue Culture Training Support from PARC: January 30: The Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) will support Sindh Agriculture University (SAU) students in producing hybrid seeds and training in tissue culture. PARC and SAU experts agreed that agriculture research could strengthen Pakistan's economy. During the visit of the PARC delegation headed by Chairman Dr. Ghulam Muhammad Ali to SAU, Vice Chancellor Dr. Fateh Marri said that both institutions agreed to collaborate on joint research to improve agriculture and ensure food security in Pakistan. Read original story here

2022 News


2022 News


‘More rain than ever’ causes untold devastation for farmers, lives and infrastructure: August 22: Farmers of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) have been devastated by torrential downpours that have resulted in the flooding of their crops. Hundreds of agriculturists in the province have lost their crop of maize, wheat, pulses, tobacco, tobacco, onions, tomatoes and other vegetables. Data cited by the Directorate of Crop Reporting Services indicates that 778,724 acres of farmland was impacted by the flood, 14,592 acres of this was denoted as severely damaged. This has resulted in production losses of 16,491 tons and total losses of some Rs 3.3. Billion or about US$15 million. Source. According to another estimate, by JS Brokerage, the floods have caused more than Rs900 billion ($4 billion), which extends to losses in life, crops and infrastructure. “The country witnessed ‘more rain than ever recorded’ this season as there is delay in wheat sowing, while cotton and rice crops have been severely damaged, according to the report” Source.

Balochistan battered by heavy rain: July 24: Extreme rainfall and flooding has resulted in 100 deaths and 57 injured in southwest Balochistan province. Many people have also been displaced with over 6,000 homes damaged, of which 2,500 homes have been completely destroyed, and extensive damage to crops as well as infrastructure, including four major highways leading to many communities being cut off. Source

Chagai ag sector drowns in floods: July 21: The ongoing monsoon rains have thus far caused a losses of about Rs60 million to Chaga’s agriculture sector According to an official data cited, “melons, dates and vegetables on hundreds of acres of land, along with hundreds of solar panels, were damaged owing to heavy rains, followed by floods.” Source.

Farmers urged to adopt Chinese ag tech: July 15: Shahzad Ali Malik, the Chairman of Pakistan Hi-Tech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) has urged farmers to use “ultra-modern Chinese agricultural technologies for getting bumper crop production to make Pakistan self-sufficient in food”. Among the technologies he advocates include mechanized direct-seeded rice (DSR), which he said could help conserve water by 50% and labor  by up to 37%. The chairman also noted that 53 Pakistani rice enterprises are on an approval list of China’s General Administration of Customs to export to China. Source. In related news, the PHHSA Chairman, also urged the government to “tailor a viable strategy for rapid modernization of agriculture sector on scientific lines for higher yield to meet food staple needs of population in the wake of Russia-Ukraine conflict and climate change.” Source.

Mango production falls due to heat and water scarcity: July 11: Farmers are reporting a reduced mango harvest of between 20 to 40% in most areas. The losses are a result of higher temperatures in March followed by heatwaves that depleted water levels. Pakistan is a leading exporter of mangoes and produces around two million tons annually across the southern parts of Punjab and Sindh. Source

Ag income down, FAO survey: July 8: According to a survey carried out by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in 28 districts, farming household income has been dropping. The survey, which focused on Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh, was conducted from March to April 2022, and included face-to-face interviews conducted in seven districts of KP (Bajaur, Khyber, Kurram, Mohmand, North Waziristan, Orakzai and South Waziristan); twelve districts in Balochistan (Chagai, Gwadar, Harnai, Kech, Kharan, Killa Abdullah, Loralai, Nushki, Panjgur, Pishin, Washuk, and Zhob); and nine districts in Sindh (Badin, Dadu, Jamshoro, Mirpurkhas, Sanghar, Sujawal, Tharparkar, Thatta and Umerkot. Source.

Food insecurity looms as ag sector struggles: July 8: Pakistan’s agriculture sector is reportedly facing a multitude of challenges and threats from a hostile climate, shrinking cultivable land, domestic water shortages, rising costs and imports and inept and inadequate policies to address the issues. Source.

Sesame seed exports to China surge: July 5: Pakistan’s export of sesame seeds to China surged to $50.32 million in the first five months of 2022, representing year-on-year growth of 47.41%, Citing data from the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), a Pakistani official noted that China imported 33,846 tons of sesame seed worth $50.32 million compared to 27,890 tons worth $34.07 million during the same period in 2021t Throughout 2021, Pakistan exported 92,516.55 tons of sesame seeds worth $120.44 million in 2021, while China had imported a total of 615,510 tons of sesame seeds worth around $918 million from throughout the world last year. Source.

Wheat planting disrupted by seasonal extremes: June 28: Crop cultivation by farmers in the mountainous areas of the Upper Indus Basin in the Hindu Kush Himalayas has been adversely impacted by seasonal extremes thus far in 2022. Following heavy rain and “record snowfall” this past winter in the mountainous northern region of Gilgit-Baltistan, fields quickly dried up in March, prompting earlier than usual sowing of summer wheat, starting in March, when decade high heat was reported, as opposed to the usual sowing period in April. The early melt of snow reportedly led to the rapid drying of soil and water shortages. Source

Q2 news

Low quality chili hybrids blamed for poor production: May 30: Low quality hybrid seeds have been noted by agriculture experts, farmers and scientists for sub-standard chili production. This was in addition to climate change and water scarcity, which have profoundly affected red chili production in Sindh, as expressed during a "National Symposium on Chili Diseases", organized by Sindh Agriculture University. It was noted that Sindh is where 82 percent of chilies are produced in the country. Source.

Chinese breeding technology a boon for Pakistani ag: May 30: The Chairman of the Pakistan Hi Tech Hybrid Seed Association (PHHSA) Shahzad Ali Malik has been quoted as praising Chinese breeding technology for helping Pakistani farmers to easily cultivate high-yield, disease resistant new rice varieties for exports. It was also revealed that China, imported from Pakistan more than 466,617 tonnes of different types of rice  during first quarter of current fiscal year. Source. In related news, the association chairman has appealed for the government to reconsider a Goods and Services Tax of 17%, which he noted was making Pakistan uncompetitive in international agriculture markets, and would contribute to an increase in cost of agri crops. Source. And here.

Win-all Hi-Tech to introduce new crop seeds in Pakistan: May 18: The Vice President of China Seed Association, Zhang Qin has revealed that her company plans to promote corn, cotton, wheat, and vegetable seeds in Pakistan, which would contribute to variety optimization and yield improvement of these crops.The Chinese company has reportedly been active in the Pakistani market for 15 years and has introduced more than 20 varieties of high-yield rice seeds to Pakistan. Chinese rice seeds have planted widely in Pakistan and it is hoped to serve as a model for other type of seeds.Source.

Record sesamum seed export to China in Q1: May 16: Pakistan  exported a record $45.99 million worth of sesamum seeds to China in the first quarter of 2022, which represents a 102.49 percent increase over the first quarter of 2022. Citing the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China (GACC), “China imported around 30,923 tons of sesamum seeds in the first quarter of this year and was one of the main destinations for sesamum seed exports from Pakistan, while in the same period in 2021 it was only around 18,444 tons” The increase in trade was credited to the second phase of the China-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement. Source

Q1 news

Pakistan mandates 12 new pest declarations for Zea mays imports: In a move that took importers completely by surprise, Pakistan on 28 January introduced 12 additional declarations for pests -- including several already present there and others not associated with seed – to conditions governing import of Zea mays (enlisted maize) seed. No notification was afforded local business or the World Trade Organization (WTO) and no transitional period was allowed before the changes take place.

This will likely impact supply this season as sowing seed produced subject to previous import conditions must now undergo additional testing and inspection. That will add lead time to imports of six-to-eight weeks — at least — and may result in export cancellations if valid test methods for the pests are unavailable and field inspections no longer possible.

In a letter to the Director General of Pakistan’s Department of Plant Protection, the International Seed Federation (ISF), APSA and CropLife Asia have asked that import of maize seed harvested or in production prior to 28 January be allowed under previous conditions. They also asked for a transition period of 15 months (March, 2023), as, in order to comply with current phytosanitary requirements, maize seed production starts 12 - 15 months before destination countries receive it. Without a transitional period, farmers will lack seed, and seed producers must bear extraordinary costs when it is ordered destroyed for failing to comply with new conditions.

They also suggest Pakistan follow International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) standards with regard to pest declarations, noting that regulated quarantine pests are those:

1) Of potential economic importance, 2) Not yet present, or present but not widely distributed.

As those requiring new declarations already present in Pakistan include Cochliobolus heterostrophus and Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais), they recommend those be removed; along with Anthracnose (Kubatiella zeae), because its presence in seed is not a proven

pathway; and Downy Mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli), Hop viruses, Tropical rust (Physopella zeae), and Hop cyst nematode (Heroderma humuli) -- because there is no record that seed is a pathway for such pests.      

Likewise, they request clarity on new import conditions for maize viruses, of which more than 50 are known, some already present in Pakistan. The scientific names of Pakistan’s quarantine viruses of concern should be specified on import permits, they explain, as it will greatly assist exporting countries in phytosanitary inspection, testing and certification.

Finally, they ask that Pakistan notify the WTO of future changes “to ensure awareness for global trading partners.”

Updates on restrictive amendments to Pakistan seed regulation: Amendments to Pakistan’s Seed (Business Regulation) Rules 2016 are set to become effective 31 July 2022. Confirmed in a circular ( F.No.1-77/80/Amendments/2021/295-1551) issued by the Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department, on November 25, 2021, salient changes include: 1) establishment a Seed Business Registration Committee (SBRC) integral to the seed company licensing process — a committee on which the Seed Association of Pakistan is not formally represented; 2) a Performance Bond requiring companies produce locally 50% of seed referenced in their production plans, and instituting a Performance Contract for registration or business licensing renewal; 3) a mandate that new seed companies develop physical infrastructure to Ministry of National Food Security and Research satisfaction within five years — or face forfeiture of their bonds and registry cancellation. APSA’s Standing Committee on International Trade & Quarantine expressed concern last September 16 that the new rules would stifle small and medium-size seed companies and have adverse effects on Pakistan's seed trade.

In a formal response to APSA’s letter, which was dated December 21, 2021,  FSC&RD Director General Afaqw Ahmed outlined various salient points of the changes. These included the government’s intention to “discourage the fuzzy seed companies” and “to incept a system of local seed production in order to reduce dependence on seed imports”.  Download, read the response here.

Moving forward, APSA together with ISF and CropLife Asia will still continue to work with SAP in engaging the government on the counterproductive and restrictive aspects of the new regulation, especially with respect the performance bond requirement for 50% local production, which would greatly discourage seed companies to continue their business.

2021 News


Q4 News

Govt pushes forward with ATP, seed supply: The Federal government on December 29 asked provincial authorities to expedite Agriculture Transformation Plan (ATP), which has provisions to distribute subsidized agricultural implements to farmers, including the supply of high-quality seeds. It is reported that “Rs5.5 billion subsidies will be given to Punjab to ensure that ATP is timely executed.” Story here.

Association chief forecasts 2022 wheat shortage: Cereal Association of Pakistan Founder and Chairman Muzzammil Chappal has forecast that his country’s wheat supply would be short of demand next year. He said this year’s output stood at 27 million metric tons this year, but the changing climate would make it difficult to achieve a requirement of 30 million tonnes next year, unless there is a “change our timing and our seeds”. Also commenting on the fertilizer shortage, .he said Pakistan needs to produce around 32.5-35 million metric tons to meet growing demand. He also commented on rice and corn demand and capacity. See full story here

Rice surplus to be exported: December 28: The Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhar Imam confirmed that Pakistan plans to export its surplus stock of rice to new markets globally. According to quoted figures, local consumption of the staple grain stood at at 3.5 million tonnes, while there was a glut of over eight million tonnes, which could fetch the country $4 billion. See story here.

Poppy Seed exporters seek seed distinction: December 29: Exporters of white poppy seeds are asking for the Federal government to eliminate a discrepancy between the Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) system and the Export Policy Order, which has been hampering the trade of khashkhash – white poppy seeds, which are reported to be distinctively different from opium poppy seeds. The former is a food and food ingredient according to Pakistan Standard Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) PS 550; however, they are being hindered by the Web-based One Customs (WeBOC) system, which has been hindering export of the seeds. See full report here as well as here.

Syngenta Pakistan gets new GM: Syngenta Pakistan has announced that Zeeshan Hasib Baig will be appointed as General Manager with effect from January 10, 2022. Zeeshan will replace Kazim Hasnain, who has taken on a new role at Syngenta Indonesia. As the new GM, “Zeeshan will drive the growth of Syngenta Pakistan to help farmers achieve food security while navigating the impact of climate change. He will also be responsible for leading the digital roadmap for the business, which includes introducing digital and technology innovations, digital ecosystem engagements, as well as public-private partnerships.”  Read more here.

Govt to distribute subsidised wheat seeds, fertilizer: October 9: One million farmers are marked to receive “high-yielding certified wheat seed varieties” to sow in the coming Rabi or dry season. The plan, which was announced by Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Food Security Jamshed Iqbal Cheema at a press conference, is to support efforts to “achieve production of 30 million tons of wheat”. Aside from the provision of subsidised seeds, the government will provide subsidies for fertilizer too. Read original story here.

Startup platform addressing ag supply chain issues gets more funding: October 6: Tazah Technologies, a B-2-B agriculture marketplace startup based in Lahore, has announced it has raised a $2 million in a pre-seed funding round. The startup, which launched two months ago to address a “fragmented and complicated supply chains . . . inflated prices, food waste and low profits for farmers,” is currently working with about 300 small- to medium-sized sellers buying inventory through its platform, facilitating the movement of multiple truckloads of produce every day. At present, the main products benefiting include ginger, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes and onions, and it is planned to expand the platform to include vegetables and fruits, pending “consistent supply and quality” See more details here

Q3 News

Clarity and flexibility sought in new Seed Rules: Pakistan’s Seed (Business Regulation) Rules 2016 were amended and are now effective, according to the Seed Association of Pakistan (SAP). At time of press, the new rules had yet to be posted to the homepage of the Federal Seed Certification & Registration Department (FSC&RD), which is the seed industry regulatory authority in Pakistan ( which still links to the 2016 version. Asian Seed has seen the rules, and salient points include the following: 

A Seed Business Registration Committee (SBRC) has been established to make recommendations as part of the process for granting licenses to new seed companies, effectively replacing the Working Group in the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, which had that role previously. 

Representation of the new SRBC representation includes the Director General and Director of Seed Registration of the FSC&RD, representatives from the Punjab Seed Corporation, Sindh Seed Corporation, the Pakistan Intellectual Property Organization, the Plant Sciences Division of PARC,  and a number of nominated seats, including a scientist/seed breeder, two farmers and an owner or a chief executive of a private seed business company. It does not, however, include representation from SAP, the national seed association. 

Furthermore, the new rules introduce a “Performance bond” requiring production companies to produce 50% of their production plan locally, (ranging from Rs. 1 to Rs. 8 million on basis of crops and in the form of a Bank Guarantee) and mandate a Performance Contract for registration or renewal of seed business license.

Moreover, new seed companies reportedly must develop their own physical infrastructure as per the Ministry’s satisfaction within five years, otherwise their bond will be encashed and the company terminated.

In a September 16 letter addressed to Pakistan authorities, which was composed and reviewed by APSA’s Standing Committee on International Trade & Quarantine, concern was expressed that the new rules would “discourage and/or prevent small and medium size seed companies from continuing or starting their business in Pakistan,” and “generate an adverse effect to the overall seed trade for Pakistan and the accessibility of quality seeds for Pakistani farmers.” 

In addition to recommending for the SBRC to include representation from the National Seed Association, “as the Association represents the interests of the entire industry including small and medium size companies and has direct knowledge of, and has a key interest in, the positive reputation of the Pakistani seed business,” it was also suggested to remove the rule mandating a performance contract and bond” which “will surely discourage the investment in local seed production. . .”. Clarification and review was also sought on evaluation criteria and the rules concerning local production targets. “Flexibility,” the letter concludes, “is required to safeguard Pakistan food security and Pakistan’s seed industry. There are many other questions relating to how such a requirement will be administered, and we would ask for significant further discussions to be undertaken with seed companies before implementing such a rule is even considered. We urge the Pakistan Government to pause the implementation of the Seed (Business Regulation) Rules (2021) and hold public and industry consultations to gather more feedback.”

Pakistan rice to China export potential: Aug 23: Demand for Pakistani rice in China is on the rise according to Badar uz Zaman, Commercial Counselor of Pakistan Embassy in Beijing. In 2020, China imported 475,000 tons of rice with a value of USD 259 million from Pakistan. Within two years, the figure is expected to surpass 1 million tons, especially with IRRI-6 and IRRI-9 varieties of long-grain Basmati rice enjoying high popularity among Chinese consumers. Pakistan is one of the main producers of Basmati rice alongside India and Bangladesh. Aiding in the development of new rice varieties in Pakistan are hybrid seeds from China, such as Honglian hybrid rice developed by Wuhan University, which show promising results with yields double that of traditional varieties. Original story here 

Business leaders tout seed importance: Aug 19: At a reception hosted by the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) and Businessmen Panel (BMP), the chairman of BMP, Mian Anjum Nisar, spoke about the need for government to implement strategies to avoid shortages of goods and raw materials that could threaten food security. FPCCI President Nasir Hayat Magoo added seed quality played a vital part in improving agriculture productivity and promoted the benefits of certified seeds for enhancing agriculture productivity due to its higher quality and profitability. Original story here

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Charsadda cropping update: July 7: The Department of Agriculture in Charsadda District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province recently distributed a low-cost sugarcane seed that was able to yield 4 tonnes of sugarcane on 1 acre of land from 8 tonnes of seed. This is alongside the adoption of a modern grafting technique, known as "chip budding", which can greatly reduce the cost of cultivation. To increase wheat production and boost the income of local farmers in the district, 8,637 bags of new wheat seeds were distributed among the farmers this year along with a subsidy of USD 16 per bag. The production of edible oils such as sunflower, canola and sesame is also being encouraged with a subsidy of USD 67 per acre. New varieties of rice seeds were also distributed among local farmers along with a subsidy of USD 16 per acre to spur rice production in the district. The Department of Agriculture has set up its branches around the district to distribute seeds and provide guidance to the farmers. Original story here

Punjab cropping seed allotment: July 6: The Punjab minister for agriculture, Syed Hussain Jahanian Gardezi, announced that the Punjab Seed Council (PSC) would provide exotic and imported seed varieties to farmers at a lower price than the current market. The committee would also develop hybrid maize and paddy seed varieties, procedures for seed breeding using modern scientific methods, and encourage farmers to cultivate registered seed varieties. Original story here 

Punjab increase subsidies for seed, fertilizer and crop insurance: July 6: The government of Punjab province has increased a subsidy of USD 48 million for insurance of crops, provision of seeds, pesticides and fertilizers in the annual budget for fiscal year 2021-22, up from USD 36 million in the previous year. Original story here 

Record wheat production, certified seed tracking: July 6: At a meeting of the Wheat Review Committee chaired by the Federal Minister for National Food Security and Research, Syed Fakhar Imam, record wheat production figures were celebrated that showed an estimated 27.539 million tons of wheat was produced in the country during 2020-21. Present at the meeting were agriculture secretaries from all provinces, representatives from the provincial food departments, Pakistan Agriculture Storage and Services Corporation Ltd. (PASSCO) managing director and senior Agriculture Department officials. The growing importance of the track and trace system was also demonstrated with 50% of the seed requirement certified last year, and an even higher figure expected this year. Original story here 

Olive cultivation project: July 5: As a measure to increase sufficiency in oilseed crops, the Pakistan Oilseed Development Board has launched a USD 38 million project to encourage farmers to grow olives including supplying free olive trees, drip irrigation systems, machinery and equipment for extraction of oil from seeds. A similar project worth USD 68 million to boost sunflower, canola, soya bean and sesame seed oil with a USD 31 subsidy given to each farmer per acre under cultivation. The Italian government is also sponsoring a program to provide free training to farmers on oilseed cultivation. Original story here

Cotton imports rise as production lags: July 4: Pakistan’s cotton imports reached USD 2.3 billion, a 44% increase, from July 2020-May 2021 (11MFY21) compared to the same period in the previous fiscal year. However, local production reached barely 5.6 million bales in FY21 even after an increase in orders and government incentives to boost exports. Original story here 

Q2 News

Rice seed subsidy for Punjab paddy: June 30: Agriculture Department has started providing subsidies to registered farmers on the purchase of rice seed in 15 districts of Punjab including Faisalabad, Jhang, Chiniot, Lahore, Sheikhupura, Kasur, Nankana Sahib, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Mandi Bahaud Din, Narowal, Gujrat, Hafiz Abad, Okara and Bahawalpur. A subsidy of USD 7.50 will be provided to farmers who purchase a 20 kg bag of Basmati seed, and a USD 5 subsidy on the purchase of 20 kg of non-Basmati seed. Original story here 

Opposition to proposed import hybrid maize seed tax: June 27: As a result of the Finance Bill 2021-22 imported maize seed will now be subject to 17% sales tax and 3% VAT. With 12,758 tons of the total 16,639 tons of maize seed coming from imports, the economic impact of the tax will be widespread. Maize is the third most important cereal crop in Pakistan after wheat and rice, contributing 0.6% to GDP. High yield hybrid seeds have led to tripling yields across the country from 0.7 tons per acre in 1999-00 to 2 tons per acre in 2019-20, and even 4 tons per acre in some cases using high-quality hybrid seeds. Around 70% of all locally produced grain is used by the poultry industry as feed. Critics claim the imposition of the tax is expected to increase the price of imported seed by 20% and place a large burden on the farming community. Original story here

Chili farms under CPEC update: June 21: The pilot project of 100 acres of chili farms has been completed according to the Chairman of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority, Lt. Gen (retd) Asim Saleem Bajwa. The next phase will comprise 3000 acres of land of chili cultivation with research leading to enhance yields, improved seed quality, skill development, farm labour, and processing. The project is hoped to produce more than 8,000 tons of dried chilies with a net income of more than USD 600 per acre for local farmers. Original story here 

12 billion rupees to uplift Paki ag: June 12: To ensure Pakistan’s food security and turn the country into a net food exporter, the government has earmarked Rs12 billion (USD 75 million) for the agriculture sector in the fiscal year 2021-22. Finance Minister, Shaukat Tarin, announced that out of the Rs12 billion, Rs1 billion (USD 6.3 million) had been allocated to combat the locust threat, while another Rs2 billion (USD 12.5 million) had been set aside to enhance the output of different crops such as rice, wheat, cotton, sugarcane and pulses, Rs1 billion to increase olive cultivation, and Rs3 billion to overhaul and improve waterways. Original story here 

UC to help Punjab enhance seed: June 8: Punjab Governor, Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, announced that the University of California will provide assistance to the Punjab government on the latest techniques to enhance crop yields, modernize irrigation systems, and improve seed quality, as part of a resolution by the government of the State of California declaring Punjab and California as "Sister States". The relationship is expected to open "a new era of progress" in Punjab due to cooperation with the US State in technology transfer and university exchange programmes, which would help revolutionise Punjab's agriculture sector. Original story here 

Soybean variety development for intercropping: June 6: The Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) recently announced that it has developed soybeans that can be grown in both spring and autumn following successful field trials at the National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) and the Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) of PAEC in Faisalabad. The NIBGE, funded by the Punjab Agricultural Research Board (PARB), has been working on soybean adaptation in Pakistan since 2015. Although the source of 25% global vegetable edible oil and 75% of protein for poultry/livestock feed, soybean cultivation in Pakistan is limited and the country imports one billion USD of soybean annually. Challenges include a limited diversity in germplasm, lack of well adapted, disease-resistant soybean genotypes, and lack of photo-insensitive soybean lines for different regions of Pakistan. Currently, farmers are only able to grow during autumn. PAEC scientists have successfully identified high-yielding soybean lines suitable for autumn cultivation, and high-yielding soybean lines suitable for spring cultivation. These varieties are highly resistant to multiple viruses, can be grown across different agro-ecological regions of Pakistan, and intercropped with maize and sugarcane. Original story here 

Kharif crops rebound: June 3: The quarterly report from the State Bank of Pakistan showed an increase in tax collection and better performance of Kharif crops compared to the previous year, mainly due to increases in their areas under cultivation. The report stated, "The government’s support package for Rabi crops, comprising subsidies on key inputs, and an increase in the support price for wheat, are likely to bolster the overall crop sector growth. However, cotton exerted a drag on the overall agricultural performance, as the revised production estimate of 7.7 million bales represented the lowest output since FY86," and that overall, the agriculture sector is expected to register growth during FY21. Read original story here 

MoU between Pak and China unis for crops: June 9: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur Pakistan and the Sichuan Agriculture University of China signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation and collaboration in research activities and faculty exchange, setting up a China-Pakistan Crop Research Center to research high quality and high yielding crops. Under the exchange program, teachers and students of both universities will visit each other and conduct teaching and research activities, including training workshops and publishing research journals. Original story here 

Kisan Card Scheme to link all farmers to banks, channel seed subsidies, loans: May 17: A long-term goal of agricultural development in Pakistan recently came to fruition with the launch of the Kisan Card. The scheme brings 3.5 million farmers under a centralised system that will streamline issuing loans, subsidies and tracking the entire farming activity of those farmers. Together with credit history and loan and subsidy data, and linking of the entire land record with biometrics in the National Database & Registration Authority’s (Nadra) database, the card will allow farmers to have much greater access to banking services. The issuing of government loans and subsidies will also be streamlined, with interest-free loans of USD 32.5 million to be provided through the card this Kharif season. Subsidies on seeds such as cotton, wheat, rice, sunflower and canola as well as fertiliser funds would also be operated  through it. It is hoped the card will help to bypass a lot of bureaucracy and reduce the potential for corruption in the system, and also enable traceability and accountability throughout the supply chain. Original story here

China report highlights Pakistani paddy potential: May 16: The China-Pakistan Agricultural and Industrial Information Platform (CPAIC) released a detailed review of the Pakistan rice industry. According to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Pakistan ranked ninth out of the world’s top rice producers. In 2019 the country exported 4.59 million tons, or 10% of the total global rice output, making Pakistan the world’s third largest rice exporter. Rice is the sixth largest export commodity and the country’s largest non-textile export. The average cost per hectare of rice farming in Pakistan was reported to be below USD 130 in 2019, according to data from the Agriculture Marketing Information Service (AMIS), Directorate of Agriculture Punjab, below that of other major crops such as corn, cotton and sugarcane, which are between USD 160 to 260 per hectare, showing that rice cultivation offers a competitive edge over other crops. Original story here

Sowing of cotton on up in South Punjab: May 16: South Punjab has seen a sharp rise in the amount of land under cotton cultivation due to incentives offered by the provincial government. The Federal Committee on Agriculture has set a target of 10.5 million bales for the 2021-2022 season, with 6.07 million bales expected to come from 1.6 million hectares of land in Punjab. Growers of registered Bt cotton varieties are to complete sowing between 1 April and 31 May, with IUB-13, MNH-886, BS-15, Niab-878, and FH-142 varieties recommended by the Agriculture Department. The news follows a report on May 11 that the country spent USD 1.84 billion on cotton imports during the nine months of the current fiscal year, an increase of 46% from the previous year and more than the total of the cotton import bill of 2020, which was USD 1.7 billion. Together with a marked decline in cotton production, which has fallen from over 14 million bales in 2012 to just 5.6m bales in the current year, this has been a blow for the textile industry that saw total exports during the nine months of the fiscal year increase by just 2% year-on-year. Original story here 

Bumper wheat crop in Punjab: May 12: Punjab celebrated a record-setting wheat crop of over 20.9 million metric tons. At a press event, Punjab Agriculture Minister Syed Hussain Jahania Gardezi announced that an unprecedented yield of 510 metric tons per hectare had been achieved on a total of 40 million hectares of wheat cultivation. Mr Gardezi credited the government's awareness campaign and subsidies through the kisan card scheme, an amount totalling USD 32.5 million to be distributed to one million farmers. The minister also pointed to the ongoing development of new seed varieties to enhance yields of wheat, cotton and other crops as well as the improved access to pesticides and fertilizers for local farmers. The price of wheat was increased from USD 0.34 per metric ton to USD 0.44 to assist wheat farmers. Original story here 

Domestic oil crop sowing urged: May 12:  In order to reduce the import burden of cooking oil, farmers in Pakistan Farmers are being encouraged to plant oily crops such as sunflower and sesame seeds. According to Ahmed Naveed Amjad, Agriculture Deputy Director (extension), the current production of cooking oil was only 7 million tonnes while annual consumption stands at roughly 29 million tonnes, meaning the country has to import 23 million tonnes to meet demand. Original story here

Pakistan with China help eradicates desert locust pest: May 10: The National Locust Control Center (NLCC) declared that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Punjab provinces had been completely cleared of locusts. Operations carried out by the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, provincial agriculture departments and the Pakistan Army to combat desert locust swarms had been carried out on 1,131,865 hectares of land across 61 districts in the three districts utilising drones, helicopters, hundreds of vehicles and thousands of agriculture workers. Assistance had been provided by China and included anti-locust sprays, equipment and expertise. Desert locust swarms first entered Pakistan from neighboring Iran in mid-2019 and have been destroying cotton, wheat, maize and other crops around the southwest of the country. Original story here

Government to introduce inflation controls and support wheat growers: May 8: Addressing concerns over rising inflation, State Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Farrukh Habib, said that strong efforts were being made to control inflation due to rising prices of goods. The Minister remarked that hoarders, profiteers and criminal organisations were being dealt with to ensure an adequate supply of commodities at affordable prices and that the government was working to cut out middlemen, which were a major factor in driving higher prices. Mr Habib announced the government was working to boost Pakistan’s agriculture sector and that wheat producers would receive USD 3.26 billion extra while a total of USD 652 million had been set aside for farmers. Original story here

PARC signs cooperation deals on 3 projects with RDA, Korea: May 4: At a ceremony held at the National Agriculture Research Center in Islamabad on 4 May, Pakistan and the Republic of Korea signed new agreements to increase cooperation in agricultural development between the two countries. The agreements covered technical cooperation on three projects by the  Korea Programme on International Agriculture (KOPIA) Centre, Rural Development Administration (RDA), Ministry of National Food Security & Research (MNFSR) and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC). The projects included self-sufficiency of virus free potato seed multiplication by Aeroponic Technique, establishment of production technology of major fodder crops, and chili production and post-harvest management technology development. Read more here and here.

Favorable weather, seed subsidy for good Punjab crop: April 25: A ‘better’ cotton crop this year is expected thanks to favorable weather and seed subsidies. This is according to an official from the Punjab Agriculture Department, speaking during a visit to Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association. Aside from anticipated favourable weather for growing cotton, the official said that the government has allocated Rs three billion for pest control, in addition to Rs 3 billion for cotton seed subsidy, which would  be paid to cotton growers through e-vouchers. He expressed hope that a six million cotton bale target would be achieved in Punjab this year. See original story here.

Govt prepares certified cotton seed, MSP: April 25: A cotton minimum support price would be announced in the near future to “bring maximum land under cotton cultivation”. This is according to an official at the Ministry of National food, Security and Research in a briefing. Moreover, the government is expected to distribute certified, high-yielding, pest-resistant and climate-tolerant seed varieties to farmers for the coming season. For this, the Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department has prepared 30,000 tons of cotton seeds of different varieties. More details in news here

April 25: The Khyber Pakthunkhwa government has finalized details of a development package earmarked with a budget of Rs. 2.2 billion ($14.2 million), which is to be utilized in seven sectors in three years. These include municipalities, public health engineering, irrigation, agriculture, skills development, livestock and forestry. Of this, Rs. 560 million ($36,346) would be used for increasing crop productivity, enhancing the capacity of farmers and promotion of modern technology in agriculture sector. More details here, as well as here

Low yield, crop failures in coastal Sindh: April 22: According to an account from a farmer of coastal town Garho, Thatta district, changing coastal conditions in recent years has impeded the growing of various crops, including banana, vegetables, betel leaves, wheat, paddy and cotton. Aside from sea intrusion, which affects soil fertility, the farmers also blames rising temperature, depletion of trees and low crop yield and failure from disease diseases. Original story here 

Q1 News

Cotton farmers advised on pink bollworm threat: March 2: The agriculture department has started raising awareness among cotton farmers in Faisalabad about the threat of pink bollworm (Gulabi Sundi). The pest reportedly hybrenates in the months of November and December but its “eggs remained present on cotton seeds, branches and dried leafs in farms and ginning factories.” Growers were advised to avoid cultivating cotton crops before April 1. Original story here

Seed association sees steady outlook for domestic seed sector in 2021: January:
Given favorable climatic conditions this year, seed industry stakeholders have forecast a steady outlook for the year 2021, which could be valued at 135 billion rupees  (US$842 million). Nonetheless, rising seed prices are one of the major issues that need to be addressed. According to the Seed Association o Pakistan Chairman Chaudhry Asif Ali, quoted in an article, government seed auctions are to blame for the seed price hikes, referring to the auctioning of “seed varieties of various crops developed by public sector research institutes to raise funds for scientists”. And despite shortcoming of cotton, wheat and maize crops in the last season, the SAP chief sees no shortage of their seeds for the next sowing. Read full story on Dawn here

Punjab Ag Minister on improving seed quality: January 2021:
Punjab Provincial Minister for Agriculture Syed Hussain Jahanian Gardezi in a meeting on 6 January said that “research on seed technology is an important need of the hour and it is the responsibility of the Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB) to provide technical support to seed companies” He said that seed quality could be improved by “developing high yielding diseases resistant lines” speaking during a visit to the new office building of Punjab Agricultural Research Board in  Johar Town. Read article here.

Cotton deliveries, ginning fall: January 2021:
More than 5.39 million bales of seeded cotton had been processed at ginning factories across Pakistan as of Jan 15, 2021, which represents a 34% drop compared to corresponding period of last year, when 8 million bales were received. Figures from the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association (PCGA) point that 3.3 million bales had been sent to Punjab and another 2 million bales to Sindh, representing year-on-year drops of 30.38% and 38.67%, respectively. Read full article in Urdu Point here

IUB production of quality ag produce, seeds: January 2021:
The Islamia University Bahawalpur will be aiming to produce agriculture produce, supply quality seeds and promote agricultural research via a new project to cultivate 140 acres of barren land on its campus. Vegetables, fruits and herbs will be produced using ‘unconventional farming methods’ an already under production are 19 varieties of vegetables, 12 varieties of ornamental flowers and seasonal fruits. Read full details on Urdu Point. In a related recent seed news article the SAP Chairman in December pushed for seed manufacturing companies and farmers to have representation in an agricultural reforms committee as part of efforts to resolve longstanding issues. SAP members have reportedly “appealed to the federal government not to amend seed enforcement laws and regulations in order to ensure a level playing field for all companies.” Read full details of that story in The Tribune Pakistan here

2020 News


Seed Association opposes proposal to delegate seed inspection powers:
The Seed Association of Pakistan (SAP) has expressed opposition to a proposal to delegate powers of seed inspection to provincial governments instead of the Federal Seed Certification & Registration Department. The Ministry of National Food Security & Research is considering the move, but SAP says the powers should remain with the federal government so as to not complicate the process and maintain uniformity. More details here

Hybrid seed production farm model: December 2020:
The Mamonkanjan Seed Production Farm has been touted by the Secretary of Agriculture as private sector model for hybrid vegetable seed production in Pakistan. Secretary Agriculture Punjab Dr. Muhammad Asad Rehman Gilani recently visited Seed Production Farm Mamonkanjan, and said that more seed farms would be established so that seeds could be exported as well as supply domestic needs. The seed production farm, which has support from an unnamed Turkish company,  is set on 33 acres of land and equipped with a biotechnology equipment, seed testing lab sand state-of-the-art research equipment, with output including hybrid seeds of cucumber, tomato, bitter gourd, chilli, capsicum, melon, watermelon, sweet corn and potato. Moreover, the government is considering reducing duty on import of seed related machinery. Read more details here

Distributing subsdized seeds in mountanous Punjab: December 2020:
The Punjab government is reportedly implementing various schemes with Rs 189 million ($1.18 million) worth of capital, which will be used towards providing subsidized seeds to tribal people in the Suleman Mountain Range, specifically in the in Koh-e-Suleman area, where farmers would get wheat, Sorghum (Jowar) and Millet (Bajra) seed at a 90 per cent subsidy this season. Vegetables seed packets were reportedly already distributed there. More details here

Khyber farmers get wheat seed training: December 2020:
Some 50 wheat farmers from Bara tehsil of Khyber had recently received capacity-building training related to wheat seeds and cultivation.  Thae farmers, whose livelihoods were affected by militancy and displacement, were engaged by the Community Resilience Activity (CRA) in a training program that focused on civic engagement, social cohesion, economic inclusion and resilience building in the merged districts.Specifically, they learned about the importance of wheat, introduction of seed and its varieties, seed selection and climate requirements for wheat seed crop. Read more here

Seed ball reforestation of Margalla Hills: December 2020:
Citizens are being urged to participate a 'throw and grow' campaign to reforest areas along trails of Margalla Hills of Islamabad. Seed balls of Kachnar and Pine trees are being distributed in the campaing. Read more here

Punjab planning to promote medicinal plant cultivation: December 2020:
The Punjab government is planning to promote the cultivation of various types of medicinal plants, including Holy Basil (Tulsi), Psyllium husk (Ispaghol), Black cumin or Nigella (Kalonji), Ajowan Caraway or Bishop's Seed ( Ajwayen), Flax (Alsi), and Fennel (Saunf). With capital of 62 million rupees ($374,000) a total of 10 demonstration plots have been set up in six districts, including Multan, Khanewal, Bahawalpur, Sahiwal, Sargodha and Faisalabad. More details here.



Wheat breeding and seed distribution ramped up

AUG 4: The Ministry of National Food Security and Research has 120 tonnes of disease-resistant, high-yielding wheat seeds, which will be distributed to farmers at subsidized cost. Reports, a number of high yielding wheat-varieties were developed under an emergency “Crop Enhancement Program” during the 2019-20 period, which focused on the development of “diseases resistance, high yield and … other traits of economic importance” through “farm demonstrations; improved variety, production technology, bed or ridge planting, zero tillage and cropping system” ay 125 locations in Potohar areas. Wheat breeding and R&D in Pakistan will continue this year with wheat germplasm acquired from the The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and distributed through National Agriculture Research System partners. As for distribution, efforts, a total of 432,500 “certified seed bags on 50 percent subsidy” were provided to wheat growers in Punjab…” while about 4,312 tons of seed was distributed among the growers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in addition to 3,252 bags of subsidized fertilizers including potash and phosphorus. Moreover, seed production blocks were established on some 1,500 acres, with seed farming on 25 acres in In Azad Kashmir.

Evaluation of pure wheat seeds for subsidized supply

The Minister for National Food Security and Research Syed Fakhr Imam on August 12 stressed that “certified seeds were highly required to increase wheat production”. According to this article, the Minister said that the government was evaluating up to 400,000 tons of quality wheat seeds that were planned to be distributed to farmers at subsidized cost..

Punjab Ag Emergency program commences

Agriculture projects worth PKR300 billion ($1.78 billion) are now being implemented across Punjab. The projects are under the Prime Minister's Agriculture Emergency Programme, which includes PKR12 billion ($71.4 million) for increasing wheat productivity, PKR 8 billion ($47.6 million) for increasing sugarcane productivity, PKR 5 billion ($29.7mn) for increasing oilseed crop productivity, and another PKR 28 billion ($166.6mn) for improved management of water resources. The program also includes provisions to provide subsidies to farmers in producing sunflower, canola and sesame, as well as for purchasing equipment and critical inputs, including fertilizer and seeds. Full article here on The Urdu Point.

Subsidies for seeds and fertilizer in Punjab

Some 350,000 farmers in Punjab had received subsidies for fertilizers while 100,000 farmers benefited from subsidy for various types of seed. Made possible by funding for the current fiscal year, the Punjab smart subsidy and national subsidy programs made available more than PKR 2 billion through e-vouchers. According to this article, subsidies were provided for phosphatic and potassium fertilizers as well as seeds of wheat, cotton, rice, sunflower, canola, moong and sesame. 

Variety Evaluation Committee recommends new varieties

Three sunflower and one mustard candidate hybrid varieties of seed have been recommended by the Variety Evaluation Committee (VEC) on Oilseed Crops. The recommendations were made during a recent meeting  held at the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), in which eleven proposals to evaluate canola, rapeseed, mustard, groundnut, sesame and sunflower varieties. More details in this news here

UAF maps out 2020-2047 ag policy with quality seeds in focus

The University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) is mapping out a comprehensive agriculture policy for the coming decades, a meeting was told. Entitled, “Pakistan Agri-Vision 2020-2047”, the policy will emphasize food security with special focus on productivity enhancement and be overseen by 13 committees. There will be a continued emphasis on cracking down on inferior and illegal seeds, fertilizer, and other agricultural inputs, while promoting and developing quality seeds. Urdu Point reports.

Standing crops breached by saline water from canals

Saline water breachment from canals and muddy embankments is causing salinity issues for farmers in various areas. According to this article, saline water has destroyed standing  sugarcane and rice crops in low lying areas of ten villages in Kot Addu Tehsil, Muzaffargarh, Punjab. The breachment was blamed on the Muzaffargarh canal not cemented in some areas, including in Eastern, western rukh, Qaim wala, Awal and Doum khai. 

Chitral floods inundate corn, bean and fruit crops

Flash floods caused by torrential rains have inundated a number of villages in the  Bumburate valley of Chitral District in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. Aside from damaging houses and sweeping away a graveyard in Batrik, roads were also closed while the floodwaters inflicted heavy losses for farmers of maize and bean crops as well aws fruit orchards. Dawn Pakistan reports

Minister takes strong stance on seed certification entity

The Provincial Minister for Agriculture Muhammad Ismail Rahu  has vowed “to take action against irregularities at the farms of Sindh Seed Corporation”. According to this report by Urudu Point, alleged encroachments at farms would be removed and irrigation water availability issues would also be addressed by authorities, citing the Minister, who preside over a meeting with the officers of Sindh Seed Corporation. During said meeting the minister maintained that “provision of certified seeds was the responsibility of the corporation therefore the officers concerned should gain confidence of the growers by providing quality seeds otherwise they would start purchasing seeds from the open market.”   



Wheat target short, bumper crop for potato and chickpea as cropping targets set

The Federal Committee on Agriculture (FCA) was informed in a meeting on July 8 that wheat procurement during the current crop season fulfilled about 80% the target set for domestic and strategic requirements, which meant there will be a shortfall of about 1.4 million tons of the staple crop. In reviewing progress of other crops, it was revealed that Pakistan had achieved bumper chickpea crop against the target of 540,000 tonnes, with production thes year up by 23.71 per cent. Likewise, there was a bumper potato crop this year, reaching 4.43 million tonnes. The Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department told the meeting that they were working on a mechanism for production of pulses and fodder seed in Balochistan. A rep from the Meteorological department said that the Potohar and Kashmir region would receive heavy rainfall in the coming three months, which could be devastating for crops, especially rice. The FCA revealed that rice production targets this year werre set at 7.9 mn tonnes, while maize 6.7 million tonnes, moong bean at  1,140mn t; mash at 10,300 t and chillies at 1.21 mn t. The Nation Pakistan reports.

Cotton sowing short by 1.3 per cent

Urdu Reports that cotton crop sowing in Pakistan during the current season (2020-21) has decreased by 1.3 percent compared to last year. Citing the Cotton Commissioner in the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, the article notes that cotton had been sown on 2.45 million hectares, which was short of the 2.6mn hectare target.

Tackling locust infestation from multiple angles

Pakistan technicians have developed drones that will be used to spray insecticides and pesticides on locust-infested fields, reports Global Village Space. To contain the spread of the pest, the country ha engaged neighbors India, China, Iran and most recently, Saudi Arabia. Urdu Point on July 8 reported that the ambassador of Pakistan to Saudi Arabia held a virtual meeting with the director of the latter’s locust and migratory pest control center to discuss cooperation in fighting locust swarms that have been wreaking havoc . The two officials reportedly discussed ways to enhance cooperation in the Middle East and West and South Asia in addressing the locust swarms, which had arrived in Pakistan from Iran in June 2019, devouring cotton, wheat, maize and other crops.

Pests threaten cotton crop in Punjab

Various types of pests have been causing havoc for a large area of cotton crops in Pakistan. Namely, infestations by the white fly, jassid and mealybug in Seet Pur, Khan Garh, Sultan Pur in Multan, Punjab, have prompted the agriculture department to begin advising growers on twice-weekly scouting routines. According to Urdu Point, the Assistant Director for Agriculture Reformation Naveed Asmat Kahlon said that agriculture experts teams had advised farmers in the field about best practices to control pest attacks and thus protect yields. 

FAO, USAID distribute maize, sunflower seeds and beans for Covid relief

Dawn reports on an initiative led by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations  (FAO), with support from the US Agency for International Development (USAID), to distribute Kharif crop packages to 16,000 vulnerable households so as to strengthen agriculture-based livelihoods in the tribal districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Households will each receive a package, which contains 25kg of certified maize seeds, 1.5kg of sunflower seeds, 5kg of red beans and 10kg of French beans.  Distribution will be carried out in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture and District Administration. 

Boosting tea production through better genetics, China cooperation

In a drive to reduce dependence on imports, the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC) will work on enhancing domestic tea cultivation. According to The News Pakistan, efforts include improving genetics in available tea germplasm and “standardization of nutritional requirements of tea and other high value crops” The article cites a 2017 figure from the FAO underlining China as the leading producer of tea in the world, outputting 2,473,443 tonnes annually. Currently in Pakistan, 13,000kg of green and black tea is being processed in an area of 2.5 acres in Baffa, Mansehra and there is a tea nursery with some “15000 cultivars”, with a piilot Green Tea Processing Plant procured from China with the Cooperation of Pakistan Science Foundation also installed at NTHRI which can process 80 to 100kg per day. News here


MAY 2020

Cotton seed price intervention

The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) on May 7 rejected a proposal from the Ministry of National Food and Security and Research to intervene with the price of seed cotton (phutti) at 4,224 rupees per 40 kgs, reports Pakistan Today. The Federal Cabinet, though opposing the decision of the ECC, has asked to review its decision through a four-member committee. The news is reportedly welcome by cotton growers, while textile millers are against fixing the intervention price. 

Committee calls for probe into poor seed, pesticide quality

The Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry’s Standing Committee on Agriculture has called for the government to look into issues related to substandard quality of seeds and pesticides. Among the issues raised is very poor germination of  cotton seeds and ineffective pesticides. The group, according to Pakistan Today, as well as Urdu Point, claims the poor quality of the inputs may be linked to “cartelization”. 

Cotton sowing guidelines issued

The Farmers Advisory Committee (FAC) has issued a number of cotton sowing guidelines for farmers planning to sow seeds during the month of May. Among their suggestions include treating seeds to address pest threats, while only sowing registered seed varieties approved by the government, in addition to sowing quantity recommendations corresponding to germination strength, reports Urdu Point.

PARC pushes mechanical sowing to boost rice productivity

The Chairman of the Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Dr. Muhammad Azeem Khan, during a visit to Gujranwala, has rice cultivators that mechanical sowing of the crop could increase productivity by up to 15% while saving on manual labour, reports Pak Observer.

Bad weather woes for Shangla crops

Heavy rains, snowfall, hailstorms, cold weather and landslides have caused hardship for people in the Shangla District of the Malakand Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Reports Urdu Point, the bad weather in mid-May had caused “severe damage to standing crops”.

Ag only sector to grow as economy retracts for first time in 68 years

For the first time in 68 years, Pakistan’s economy will have marginally contracted by, suggests data covering the most recent fiscal year, which ends June 30, reveals..  This negative forecast as reported by Tribune Pakistan, cites “adverse impacts of the novel coronavirus coupled with economic stabilisation policies that had hit the industrial sector much before the deadly pandemic.” However, the agriculture sector grew by 2.7%, which is in contrast to the industrial and services sectors, which witnessed negative growth rates, pulling the overall growth rate down to negative 0.38% in the fiscal year 2019-20. 


APRIL 2020

Cotton support price, relaxed seed germination standards proposed

The Business Recorder Pakistan reports that a minimum support price for this year’s cotton crop has been pitched at 5,000 rupees per maund (37.2 kilograms). Meanwhile there is some disagreement on a proposal to ease cotton seed germination standard to 50% this year in response to bad weather and other economic woes. The article also cites discussion on a ‘truth in label’ standard.

Punjab cotton growers switching to sugarcane

Dawn reports on the trend of cotton farmers in Pakistan’s cotton belt, Punjab, switching over to sugarcane, citing the recent bad season for cotton marred by pest attacks and temperature fluctuations. 

Sewage-irrigated vegetable crops destroyed

The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has destroyed thousands of kilograms of vegetables crops on a plot of land in Raheem Yar Khan, alleging that the crops had been irrigated with sewage water. The Urdu Point reports that the crops destroyed included pumpkin and apple gourd.

Food crisis looms as locust swarms spread

News reports suggest that Pakistan’s agriculture sector continues to struggle from locust infestations, citing increasing concerns of a severe food security crisis. In Balochistan, the Education Minister appealed to the federal and provincial governments to arrange sprays on emergency basis in order to eradicate locusts from the province, which have caused severe damage to crops in Kachi, Naseerabad and Sibi districts of Balochistan, reports the Express Tribune. Meanwhile, out of 18 workable spray planes, only two were available in hangers in Karachi and Lahore, according to an article by the Urdu Point, which relayed form an April 6 SWAC Virtual Meeting (April 6) a warning from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the UN that desert locust colonies were rapidly spreading in border areas of Pakistan, including in Hormozgan, Bunder Abbas, Fars, Khuzestan, Kerman and Bushehr. According to estimates, locusts and other pending issues have cause 100 billion rupee losses, especially to wheat, oil seed and fodder crops sectors. 

Farmers to be compensated for hailstorm damage

Urdu Point on April 28 cites the Speaker of the National Assembly Asad Qaiser saying that farmers in Swabi and different areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, whose crops were severely damaged by a recent severe hailstorm, would be compensated. According to another article by Pakistan Today, hail-damaged crops included tobacco, wheat and various varieties of vegetables.  

Wheat rust susceptible varieties suggested to be delisted, substituted

Express Tribune Pakistan reports that scientists at the Ayub Agricultural Research Institute recommended delisting nine low yielding or wheat-rust disease susceptible varieties of wheat. The  varieties include TD-1, Seher-06, Galaxy-13, Galaxy-2, Gandam-1, AARI-12, AS-2002, Chakwal-50 and Pakistan-13, which reportedly  demonstrated more susceptibility to wheat rust. Meanwhile, the institute has suggested several other varieties that were less susceptible and thus would like have better yields. These include Akbar-19, Anaj-17, Ujala-16, Faisalabad-08, Barani-17, Fatehjang-16, Fakhar-e-Bhakkar, Zincol, FatehJang-16, Gold-16 and NARC-11. 

50pc rice seed subsidies in Lower Dir District

Urdu Point reports that the Agriculture Department in the Lower Dir District of the Malakand Division of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. According to the report, a total of 15,000 kg of rice seed has been provided by the province to the district for the current growing season, and would be made available to farmers at a 50 percent subsidy. Farmers are urged to contact local farm centers to acquire the subsidized seeds, which can also be delivered directly to farmers who have difficulties in obtaining transport during the “prevailing difficult situation” 

Punjab wheat drive, productivity and seed distribution

The Punjab Chief Minister has leading efforts to bolster the wheat sector, having inaugurated a wheat harvest campaign at a village in Rojhan tehsi, where 4.5 million metric tonnes of wheat would be procured in an ongoing drive in which farmers would be paid 1,400 rupees per maund. Punjab reportedly is anticipating to yield 19 million metric tonnes of wheat from a planted area of 16.5 million acres. The Pakistan Today article also mentions a project worth 12.5 billion rupees, which aims to enhance productivity of wheat. Moreover, 400,000 bags of certified wheat seed were provided to farmers at a subsidised price this year, and this would be tripled in the next season. 


MARCH 2020

Seed & fertilizer shops allowed to remain open during coronavirus lock-down

Urdu Point reports that Pakistan’s Agriculture Secretary has directed officials of the agriculture department branches to extend maximum awareness to farmers about precautionary measures against corona and also issued advisory for crops, while confirming that seed and fertilizer shops would remain open during this time.

 APSA has also received a copy of an order from the Pakistani government, prioritizing the agriculture sector during lockdown, download here.

Cotton seeds to be delivered to farmers doorsteps

Urdu Point reports that the Central Cotton Research Institute (CCRI) is offering to deliver cotton seeds to farmers’ doorsteps, and at recommended government prices. The article offers contact information and ordering instructions, and notes that the CCRI has advised farmers to sow five to six kilogrammes per acre in order to achieve “handsome production”. 

Subsidies for certified seed, sowing equipment mechanization

Punjab government is gearing to launch an ambitious project worth Rs6 billion to promote mechanisation, usage of certified seed and responsible application of pesticides according to the quantity prescribed by the agricultural experts.

Under this project, farmers will be given 50% subsidy on the purchase of certified rice seed. The government will bear 50% of the cost on the usage of different types of machinery such as transplanters, nursery raising machines, DSR-drill, rice straw choppers, rotavators and power sprayers. 

Rains devastated wheat crops in Bahawalpur, Punjab: Daily Times 

‘Olive revolution’ reports on targets to grow olives on 50,000 acres, with figures of current and expected growing, production capacity included in the article. 

‘wheat crisis’: Tribune Pakistan reports on a probe into why wheat had been smuggled out, e.g. 40,000 tons reportedly exported despite a ban and plunging stocks that caused Pakistan to need to import 300,000 tons duty free. 

Aus-Pakistan partnership in pulse production

Pakistan and Agriculture join in a project run by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and Charles Sturt University. The aim is to help improve pulse production, including chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts growing in poorer villages, generally in alkaline sand areas with an annual rainfall of 200mm.




Farmers Bureau pushes for maize seed self-sufficiency

According to an article in the Business Recorder Pakistan, the Farmers Bureau of Pakistan (FBP) is urging for the government to take immediate steps to reduce the cost of agricultural inputs, including seeds and fertilizers. The news follows reports of farmers citing a bad year in both kharif (rainy season) and Rabi (winter season) cropping, noting the cost of seeds from private companies had been raised. “We demand from the government that all the private companies who are importing corn seed should immediately start producing, at least 25 percent of the seed, locally and should ultimately produce 100 percent within the country, in some agreed timeline.” a representative of FBP is quoted as saying.

Seed variety approval to be made easier: high-level meeting told

A high-level meeting attended by cotton industry reps, and presided over by Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, was told that the government would make the process for approving new varieties of seeds easier and quicker. At the meeting attended by cotton industry stakeholders, including seed sector reps, the government agreed to give give autonomy to the Pakistan Central Cotton Committee (PCCC) through its restructuring and effective private sector representation, which would also includ reps from the seed sector, reports the Associated Press of Pakistan.

Hermetic storage solutions for better shelf-life and profits. 

APSA Member Haji Sons reports on impressive returns some of its Pakistani farmer clients are gaining thanks to the use of hermetic storage bags that can effectively extend storage life of various types of produce and commodities. The hermetic bags the company offers, in collaboration with Grain Pro, not only “elongate the shelf-life of commodities stored but also discourage the use of chemicals to keep insects away, thereby ensuring producer and consumer health,” the company reports. Unlike traditional plastic and Jute bags commonly used to sstore produce, the hermetic bags use gas-tight and moisture-tight materials to seal/store commodities and keep them safe from damage. Click here for more details. 



Premier to ‘direct’ Seed Act amendments

Some news outlets — including Dawn and Express Tribune — report that Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has agreed to requests from the All Pakistan Textile Mills Association to initiate amendments to the Seed Act. Though exact details of the proposed amendments were not published in the aforementioned articles, The Wallet Pakistan indicates that the amendments may be related to streamlining the process of seed variety registration, and/or refunds of cotton cess (tax). The news comes after a “high-level” meeting between association reps and the PM which addressed the decline of cotton output, citing last year’s locust attack, middle-man adulteration and insufficient technological capacity. 

Bt cotton variety among Punjab approvals as biotechnology gains momentum 

At the 53rd meeting of Punjab Seed Council on 26 December, 2019, 25 new varieties of agricultural commodity seeds were approved, report various news outlets. Specifically, 10 varieties of “cumulative seeds” were approved, including nine olive varieties and one Bt cotton variety named as “FH-444”. In related news.Mr. Fawad Chaudhry, Pakistan’s Federal Minister for Science and Technology voiced support for biotechnology to address food security challenges. As quoted by, the minister said, “Pakistan must take advantage of the latest technologies, in particular biotechnology, for the advancement of agriculture.”, speaking at the National Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology for Food Security on December 11-12, 2019 at COMSTECH Auditorium in Islamabad. 

‘Unusual’ and ‘deadly’ winter weather a boon for strained water reserves

Reports in the first week of the New Year of unusual or unexpected precipitation in arid and hilly parts of Pakistan were hailed in the media as a good sign for farmers and agriculture. Reports of snow had initially attracted hoards of tourists to the Murree area, and a farmer in Rawat was quoted as saying that welcome rain would be beneficial for vegetable cultivation.  Likewise, a spokesman from the Pakistan Meteorological Department confirmed in another report  that increased snowfall this winter, once melted, would ultimately contribute to increased water reserves in strained reservoirs. The official said the ‘unusual cold weather’ was an effect of Climate Change. Quoted in another report by Urdu Point, the PMD  had issued snow and rain advisories for Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit Baltistan and cautioned tourists against taking “unnecessary visits in hilly areas during snowfall as due to heavy snowfall, the roads of the hill station are slippery.” He also warned of flash flooding and heavy snowfall in parts of Balochistan, in addition to landslides and avalanches in Kashmir, Gilgit Baltistan, Malakand and Hazara divisions. Indeed, the unusual winter weather has also taken an unfortunate toll, with the deaths caused by the effects of winter storms reaching 75 by January 14, according to this report