Why you should produce your seeds in New Zealand with Smith Seeds

Why you should produce your seeds in New Zealand with Smith Seeds.

The Benefits

New Zealand is one of the world’s leading seed producing regions. Seeds are produced on highly mechanised farms with very experienced growers and all crops are overseen by our leading agronomists who inspect each field every 10 days. Reports on each field are forwarded to overseas customers by email and where applicable, with photographs. It is Smith Seeds’ goal to have our customers as knowledgeable about the progress of each field as our agronomists attending to the crops.


The main production area - Canterbury - is a large alluvial plain, ideally suited to seed production and recognised as such by Asian, European and American merchants who annually have their seeds multiplied in this environment. It has a temperate climate with very low humidity. Irrigation is available to all crops and during the harvest season - the hot dry winds received are ideal for low moisture, high quality seed.

The performance of Smith Seeds Ltd, supplying high quality seeds over decades can give confidence to our customers.

Cleaning and Packing

State of the art seed cleaning and packaging machines in large warehouses complete the process. Seed testing laboratories licensed by the international body, are used to ensure the best available seed quality.

Seed Quality Assurance

When it comes to superior seed quality, we ensure that nothing is left to chance. Smith Seeds monitors crop growth at every stage. Each carefully selected grower receives our exclusive Total Seed Managment Programme targeting their particular crop so that yields and quality reach maximum potential.

The programme advises the grower of the best time to plant, an optimum sowing rate, the correct fertilisers to use and expert advice on safe weed control.

Crop Isolation

Also in place now is a world leading, internet program that allows for all individual crop production areas to be “logged on” which immediately shows if there is any chance of a cross pollinating competing crop, within the required isolation distance. If a possible, potential problem appears at that stage, the crop is relocated to another site prior to sowing.