Tomoko Sakata

Research & Technology Manager Incotec Europe B.V. Dr. Tomoko Sakata is a professional in the field of Seed Enhancement Technology with around 3 decades experience in seed sector in Japan and Asia-pacific. She obtained her Ph.D from Chiba University, Japan and gained over 2 decades of experience in seed enhancement technology R&D with Incotec. Some areas of her expertise include, Seed Quality Control, Genetic testing in seed company, Seed coating and Disinfection technology development for rice seed. She is currently a member of APSA seed technology committee and ISTA advanced seed technology committee.

Abstract Advancing Sustainable Agriculture: The Synergy of Seed Technology and Regenerative Practices

This presentation explores the vital role of seed technology in promoting sustainable agriculture through the lens of regenerative practices. As climate change continues to pose significant challenges to the agriculture community, the demand for more resilient seeds has never been greater. At Incotec, we are dedicated to our “Mission Zero – sustainability to the max,” which drives our efforts to enhance seed technologies for the seed industry. Our focus includes the pioneering innovations in microplastic-free filmcoat liquids and providing solutions to support the incorporation of beneficial microbes, additives and nutrients on seeds, emphasizing their role in enhancing soil health and ecosystem resilience. Seed companies could also utilise seed priming techniques to overcome challenges with seed vigour, dormancy etc. due to stressful conditions or adhering to regenerative agriculture practices.

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