Quality Seed | Quality Life
June 2022 Newsletter
Welcome everyone to the June newsletter and podcast. I hope all of you are staying safe and healthy.
First, regarding the recent renewal of our Foreign Private Organization (FPO) license, which allows us to operate in Thailand: our current license validity is two years, and it will be up for renewal in February 2024. Our status as an FPO in Thailand is contingent on sustained collaboration with stakeholders in Thailand and abroad in the initiation, organization and support of events and projects that demonstrate clear benefits to Thailand and the greater region for seed sector development.
Next is an update on public and private partnerships, which has been one of our main areas of focus these past few months, in which we’ve been engaged in many activities and collaboration with stakeholders to support the public sector. One such collaboration has been with the Department of Agriculture, Thailand, and the Thai Seed Trade Association (THASTA). To enhance knowledge on Plant Breeder’s Rights and Plant Variety Protection, we recently organized two of three planned workshops, on May 23 and June 27, respectively. The recordings of these two sessions and the presentation are available to public on our website. I would like to express our thanks to UPOV and all speakers who contributed by sharing their experiences with UPOV to enhance the strong PVP systems in their countries.
We are also collaboraing with NPPOs, specifiically in the implementation and harmonization of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs), and of pest lists. This includes our upcoming expert consultation on phytosanitary collaboration, which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on 29th – 30th in August. This year we will emphasize on lab accreditation, ISPM38, ISPM45, ePhyto update and collaboration with APAARI, ISF, ASTA and CLA on a proposal to enhance the public – private partnership on phytosanitary harmonization, which has been approved by the STDF, who has provided us with some relevant comments moving forward. This proposal will help to set a great model in our region, starting with the seven participating pilot countries. We will share more details about the project in the near future.
Moving on to another R&D capacity-building program through collaboration with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research or ICAR. As announced by the APSA Secretariat previously following the signing of an MoU in Bengaluru in May, after which we had sent out a survey asking members to propose pests and pathogens to consider for a research proposal. The results from the survey will be highly valuable for ASPA to keep in mind priorities for the research proposal. Aside from this collaboration with ICAR, we are also collaborating with the NSTDA and KMITL in Thailand on an R&D project to identify PepYLCN SNP Markers, which will proceed with 10 participating APSA member companies. Another great program proposed by our R&D advisory group for the remainder of this year is the “Curcubinar”, which will feature updates on Cucurbits R&D, while the Asian Cucurbits Round Table is planned to be held in Thailand next year. And there is more to come with activities to enhance capacity on implementing international seed testing standards under our collaboration with ISTA, I will keep you updated in our newsletter in September.
Another exciting program with movement this month is our University Connect Program, for which we are working with 17 Universities in Thailand, Bangladesh, China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and the Philippines. We are in the process of finalizing MoUs for this program, with all of these universities as well as the respective NSAs, and are quite excited for the next steps.
One of the ultimate aims of this initiative is to foster interest and talents of the future workforce of the agricultural and seed sectors. Initially, we have been welcoming students’ participation in industry workshops, webinars, and demonstrations – giving them exposure and (hopefully) inspiration through direct interactions with company executives, breeders, scientists and officials alike.
This ‘incubation’ process works both ways. Moving forward, we also want to learn from them, particularly on how to make the seed industry more relevant and interesting for them. Indeed, this will be the theme of our upcoming Congress Workshop on November 14, in which we plan to invite students and counselors to lead discussions on this particularly important topic. The agenda for this workshop and other Congress sessions will be announced when they are finalized soon.
In closing, we just had a fruitful discussion with our executive committee members on 21 and 22 June in Bangkok. There are a number of new initiatives and programs that our EC proposed, and the secretariat will take forward for our upcoming Congress.
Finally, I would like to express appreciation and gratitude to all colleagues, and committee members for all their sustained efforts, dedication, commitment, and perseverance, which has been key to our success and achievements thus far, and will no doubt be what ensures we overcome any obstacles that lie ahead.
Thank you very much and again I would like to thank for a great support from APSA members. More updates on upcoming events and technical affairs and news are included in this newsletter. .
Take care and So, “Seed You In Bangkok on 14 – 18 November, 2022.
If you have any suggestions on our activities, the key issues you are facing in your seed business and possible collaborations, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at may@apsaseed.org .
May Chodchoey,
APSA Executive Director
THANK YOU to our digital media sponsors
APSA Membership term is 1 January through 31 December. APSA Membership Fees are non-refundable and we do not provide pro rata of membership rates. As of now, we have more than 340 active members who have renewed their membership for 2022.
Asian Seed Congress 2022 Update
The Asian Seed Congress 2022 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 14th to the 18th of November 2022 at the Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre. As of now, we have 300 paid delegates, 70 paid for trading tables, 9 paid Semi-private meeting room, 1 paid private meeting room and 11 for regular booth. ASC2022 registration is open and welcome All members to register for the 2022 Asian Seed Congress.
If you have any questions, or if there is anything else we can assist you with please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mr. Komsak Kamjing (Bobbie)
APSA Membership Coordination Manager
Cucurbits Disease Management Workshop
APSA, in collaboration with the Thai Seed Trade Association (THASTA), the National Science and Technology Development Agency of Thailand (NSTDA), the Department of Agriculture of Thailand (DOA-Thailand) and Khon Kaen University will hold another event on the topic of "Cucurbits Disease Management Workshop", which is considered an important economic crop in Thailand and the region. The objective is to enhance the capacity of management to prevent seed-transmitted pests in Cucurbits. This physical workshop for sharing information among Academics, Experts, Government officials and representatives from Seed companies in Thailand. The event is scheduled to be held on 21 July 2022, at Charoen Thani Hotel, Muang District, Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. This event will be held in Thai and is invite only.
For more details on the event, please visit the official event page. https://web.apsaseed.org/events/CDM-Workshop
Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022
APSA, in collaboration with the US State Department, USDA, and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) will once again hold the Mekong-U.S. Partnership Virtual Workshop 2022 from the 25th to the 27th of July 2022. Country Representative from the Seed Offices of Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia as well as observers from the private sector are invited to participate in an educational virtual workshop in line with recommendations from all countries during the workshop. Key representatives from each participating country will be expected to share update on progress made in their countries and current top priorities for future intervention. The workshop will be themed Plant Breeding and Plant Variety Protection (Day I), Seed Laboratory Accreditation and Certification (Day II), and Seed Phytosanitary Regulations and Standards (Day III).
Though the event is invite only, for more details, please visit the official event page https://web.apsaseed.org/events/musp-workshop-2022
2022 APSA Cucurbinars - Thank God It's Friday
APSA is happy to announce a brand new webinar series consisting of 6 sessions covering Cucurbit crops in Asia and Pacific Region (Watermelon, Melon, Bitter gourd, Cucumber, Pumpkin & Squash and other gourds). Each session is to be held on Friday each month from July to December 2022. This series is exclusively for APSA members and will give them the opportunity to learn about Abiotic and biotic stress; Improvement in breeding and cultivation; and New variety release from participating companies. One-time registration to attend all 6 sessions with additional benefits of 6 months access to APSA seed academy platform with certificate of attendance and record of each session and special 5% discount for the same person register to an in-person ACRT in 2023. The first session of the 2022 APSA Cucurbinars - Thank God It's Friday will be held on Friday the 29th of July 2022, and will focus on Watermelon.
For more information on registration fee, on how to register and session 1 agenda, please visit the official event page 2022 Cucurbinars - TGIF
2022 APSA Seed Technology Webinar – Session 2
On Wednesday the 3rd of August 2022, APSA will be holding Session 2 of the 2022 APSA Seed Technology Webinar, which will focus on Application of the Digital Tools for Quality Enhancement. As we are currently finalizing the agenda, more details will follow soon. Registration will open early July.
For more details on the event, please visit the official event page. Seed Technology webinar - Session 2
2022 APSA Field Crops Webinar - Session 2
On Thursday the 11th of August 2022, APSA will be holding Session 2 of the 2022 APSA Field Crops Webinar, which will focus on Advance Breeding Technologies for Field Crops. As we are currently finalizing the agenda, more details will follow soon. Registration will open early July.
For more details on the event, please visit the official event page. Field Crops webinar - Session 2
Vegetables and Ornamentals Quality Seed Production Study Tour
APSA’s Special Interest Group for Vegetable and Ornamental Committee, in collaboration with Plantum would like to invite all APSA members to attend a special Study Tour to the world's leading seed exporter, the Netherlands. The Study Tour will be held from the 26th to the 30th of September 2022 and has been designed for participants to exchange practices and knowledge with seed breeding companies in the Netherlands as well as the National Seed Association. The program itinerary also includes a visit of leading vegetable seed production companies and local seed production sites in the Netherlands, as well as Plantum, the Seed Meets Technology, Naktuinbouw, Floriade exhibition, flower auction and flower breeding and plant raiser companies. Also included are visits to public research institutes specialized in breeding, phytosanitary testing and DUS registrations, including Wageningen University & Research. If you interested, registration opens early July. The registration fee, which will cover food, transport and hotel accommodations in the Netherlands. Maximum participants allowed is 25 persons, where all delegates are responsible to cover their travel from their country to Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, Netherland.
For more details on the event, please visit the official event page.
39th International Vegetable Training Course
WorldVeg is pleased to announce that the 39th International Vegetable Training Course: Post-Harvest Management for Fruit and Vegetables will be held on 21 - 25 November 2022 at WorldVeg's Research & Training Station, Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand, after suspending 2 years. The objective of the course is to provide participants with the knowledge and hands-on experience on good postharvest management of fresh fruit and vegetables. The course is taught by experts from Kasetsart University, Mahidol University (Institute of Nutrition), the Royal Project Foundation and World Vegetable Center. The language of instruction will be in English. The training methods will be a blend of classroom lectures, hands-on exercises and excursions. Originally USD 1,950 including training fees, accommodation, meals, local transportation, excursions, and local health insurance. All APSA members are welcome to participate. WorldVeg offers a 20% discount on course tuition to all 2022 APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium members, and this benefit extends to all employees of a Consortium Company. Participants of the 2022 consortium members will be offered a USD 80 discount per person. The maximum number of participants is 20. Registration operates on a first-come, first-serve basis. Payments must be received by 30 September 2022. The organizers will assist in the visa application process, but it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain a valid visa remains. Application Deadline is 31 August 2022.
For more details on the event, please visit the official event page. https://web.apsaseed.org/events/39th-ivtc
2022 Asian Seed Congress (ASC 2022)
Finally, after 2 years, APSA and the Thai Seed Trade Association (THASTA) as the official National Organizing Committee, is planning on holding the long-awaited the 2022 Asian Seed Congress (ASC 2022) in Bangkok, Thailand from the 14th to the 18th of November 2022 at the Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre. This year’s congress will feature 200 trading tables, 30 semi-private meeting rooms, 5 private meeting rooms and over 30 exhibition booths, all located on a single floor. Registration has already opened since June and we currently have 400 registered delegates, 82 trading tables, 15 semi-private meeting rooms, 2 private meeting rooms, and 17 exhibition booths booked and reserved.
For more information on congress agenda, official floor plan, COVID-19 Travel regulations to Thailand and on how to register, please visit the official event page Asian Seed Congress 2022
List of Upcoming APSA Webinars
For more information regarding agenda and registration for the upcoming 2022 APSA Webinars, please stay tuned for more details.
That is all for Upcoming APSA Events. Now for some details regarding upcoming seed industry events from around the world.
8th Seed Congress of the Americas
The Seed Association of the Americas (SAA), in collaboration with the National Association of Seed Producers (ANAPROSE), the Uruguayan Chamber of Seeds (CUS), and the Uruguayan Plant Breeders Association (URUPOV), are pleased to invite you to attend the 8th Seed Congress of the Americas. This event will take place on September 26-28, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, one of the most exclusive resorts in Latin America and the most important in Uruguay. This two-and-a-half-day congress will gather regional seed professionals, seed leaders, breeders, researchers, policy makers, government officials and students, in an extraordinary opportunity to learn, connect, generate new business, promote your products and learn about the latest novelties.
Faithfull to the motto “Promoting Seed Business in the Americas”, the congress will focus mainly on trade and regulations. This exciting event will feature great sessions, expert speakers and an exceptional trading floor within a comfortable environment where business will sprout.
For more information, congress agenda, and registration details please visit their official website at https://www.saaseedcongress.org/
5th China International Import Expo (CIIE)
From the 5th to the 10 of November 2022, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and Shanghai Municipal People's Government will hold the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE) at the National Exhibition and Convention Center in Shanghai, China.
The China International Import Expo (CIIE) is one of China’s first import-themed national-level exhibition which provides great opportunities for foreign enterprises to showcase their products and technology wishing to enter and/or expand their Chinese market. The expo will also feature a forum of relevant government authorities, international organizations, scientific research institutes and representatives of domestic and foreign enterprises, who will come to discuss various topics such as new situations, new technology, new achievements and new equipment of the seed industry field, the establishment of an innovation system of the seed industry from a multi-dimension angle, build a business dialogue platform, advocate the intellectual property protection and focus on the innovative development demands of the seed industry.
If you are interested in joining this event, please visit the official event page for more details on registration (https://www.ciie.org/zbh/index.html)
If you have any questions regarding upcoming APSA events, or if there is anything else, I can assist you with please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mike Kingapayom
APSA Event Manager
Welcome to Technical Affairs update. The same as before, let’s start with the APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium.
We are happy to remind you that the registration for 2022 APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium(CLICK HERE to learn more about the consortium benefits)is on-going, please CLICK HERE to register.
A Bitter Gourd Open Field Day will be held on 26th July 2022 at WorldVeg’s Research & Training Station at Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand to demonstrate WorldVeg's genetically broad based and fixed, top new bitter gourd lines of all the market segments bred through recurrent selection. All APSA members are welcome to join this field day, Click the link here for registration.
After this Field Day, a Global Bitter Gourd Breeding Project "Growing new markets with better bitter gourd genetics: WorldVeg's monoecious, gynoecious and predominantly female lines of different market segments developed through recurrent selection to breed breakthrough hybrids" will be launched in September 2022 through APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium. More details will be provided later.
WorldVeg is pleased to announce that the 39th International Vegetable Training Course: Post-Harvest Management for Fruit and Vegetables will be held on 21 - 25 November 2022 at WorldVeg's Research & Training Station, Kamphaeng Saen, Thailand, after being suspended for two years. This training course is open to all, but 2022 APSA-WorldVeg Consortium members can enjoy 20% discount on the tuition fee. You can find more details from the link here
If you have any problem or need help from APSA Secretariat, please contact APSA Partnership Program Manager Ms. Xiaofeng Li at xiaofeng@apsaseed.org
Ms. Xiaofeng Li
APSA Partnership Program Manager
Standing Committees and Special Interest Groups
Starting with an update from our Standing Committee on Seed Technology:
It has been another busy month for APSA Seed Technology Committee with webinars and launching new initiatives. Starting with the 2022 APSA Seed Technology Webinar Session 1 held on June 7th, which was successfully organized with 270 attendees from the seed industry and universities under the University Connect Program. The second webinar session will be held on August 3, under the theme of "Application of digital tools for quality enhancement”. Aside from this, the committee is excited to launch as new initiatives, APSA Seed Academy Program and APSA Recognition Award for the Most Influential Seed Technologist in the APAC. Nominations for this award will be accepted through to August. Another initiative is “APSA Techno Commercial Demonstration” for APSA Affiliate members, which will debut at the Asian Seed Congress in the November. For more information, stay tuned on APSA website.
Let us move to an update from the Standing Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and Biodiversity.
The committee met online on June 14th to discuss several topics; including potential topics for ASC Technical Session and updates from UPOV Working Group on Guidance concerning Smallholder Farmers in relation to private and non-commercial use (WG-SHF), which includes as members SC IPR&Bio Chair, Dr Arvind Kapur, as well as Dr Mary Ann Sayoc and Dr Gabriel O. Romero.
The committee also discussed important topics related to biodiversity; including negotiations that took place at the 4th Global Diversity Framework (GBF) in Nairobi, Kenya on June 21-26, which concern implications for plant breeding, gene editing, biotechnology and specifically proposals on wording target 17 of the global biodiversity framework. Leading up to the meeting APSA has reached out to several national seed associations, requesting that these talking points be relayed to their respective government stakeholders. Another important upcoming event is the 9th Session of the Governing Body (GB 9) of the ITPGRFA, which will be held 19-24 September in India. Some of the committee’s members plan to join this event.
Lastly, the committee has taken part in the organization and participation of PVP webinars co-organized with DOA Thailand and ThaSTA, the latest one held on June 27, which had as one of its speakers, SC IPR & Biodiversity Co Chair, Mr Francois Burgurd, who shared experience and best practices of France as one of the UPOV Member Countries The presentations and webinar recording are open to public, and you can watch it from APSA website, past event section: Plant Variety Protection (PVP) Workshop - Session 2 - APSA Seed
Next let us move to an update from the Standing Committee on International Trade & Quarantine
The committee would like to express sincere appreciation to our former member Ms Elvire Petel from SEMAE for her great contribution to the committee since November 2019. The committee also welcomed a new member: Mr Nicolas Perrin, SEMAE Director of International Affairs. Mr Perrin has held various positions within the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food and its international network: he was notably agricultural Attaché from 2009 to 2014 at the French Embassy in Poland and the Baltic States; then, Head of unit in charge of fruit, vegetable, and horticulture sectors at the general Directorate of agricultural policies and adviser for agricultural affairs from 2014 to 2019 at the French Embassy in Ukraine.
The committee had an online meeting on June 15 and welcomed Mr Surya Rao Rongali and Mr Nicolas Perrin who joined the committee meeting for the first time. The main agenda of this meeting was on preparations for the 8th Phytosanitary Expert Consultation, which will be held in August, as well as to update each other on policy advocacy initiatives. The committee also started planning for potential topics of SC ITQ November Technical Session. Stay tuned for more updates!
Now let us move to an update from SIG Field Crops
This month the committee are moving forward to the preparation of the Field crops webinar session 2 which will be held on August 11 with the theme of Advanced Breeding Technology for Field Crops. The committee had an online meeting on June 15th to brainstorm potential speakers as well as to start planning for the Field Crops Technical Session during the upcoming Asian Seed Congress this November.
Moving to the SIG on Vegetables and Ornamentals
At their most recent meeting on June 2nd, SIG Veg & Orn members updated each other on activities and policy advocacy and followed up on action points. The committee started planning for aVeg & Orn Study Tour to be held in the Netherlands in September, as well as planning for a Seed Quality Management Workshop and Veg & Orn Technical session in ASC November. In the meeting, the subgroups of R&D advisory committee, WIC and DRT also provided updates on their current activities.
And now some updates from the SIG V&O subgroups:
Starting with The Working Group of Integrated Vegetable Seed Companies or WIC
This month the committee is working on an MOU for the University Connect Program, which will be signed by representatives from National Seed Associations and universities in participating countries. Aside from this, a survey has been sent to universities to seek more information on the challenges and gaps that universities are facing to send students to seed industry market. The input will be complied and discussed further in a virtual meeting with all universities tentatively in September. Stay tuned for more updates on this.
Next is an update from the R&D Advisory Group
The R&D AG group had a virtual meeting on June 8th and decided to postpone the physical Asian Cucurbits Round Table (ACRT), originally planned this year, but now to be held in Bangkok next year. In the mean time, the group proposed a new initiative, which is “APSA Cucurbinars 2022 - Thank God It’s Friday (TGIF)”, which will be a webinar series consisting of six sessions covering Cucurbit crops in our region (Watermelon, Melon, Bitter gourd, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Squash and other gourds). Each session is to be held on Friday each month from July to December 2022 and will focus on new varieties released by participating companies, research on abiotic and biotic stress and improvements in breeding and cultivation. (More details on APSA website: 2022 APSA Cucurbinars Thank God Its Friday - APSA Seed)
Moreover, the APSA-NSTDA-KMILT collaborative project reviewed by the R&D group on “Identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers associated with resistance to pepper yellow leaf curl virus in chili pepper” will move forward with 10 companies. This is a good example of public-private partnership collaboration under the APSA-NSTDA MOU (read about it here.)
Let us move to an update from the Disease Resistance Terminology Working Group or DRT WG
The DRT Watermelon Fusarium Wilt subgroup had a meeting on June 16th to start finding seeds for testing and later to decide on the testing location, protocol and checking import and phytosanitary requirements in each member country. While the DRT Bitter Gourd Powdery Mildew subgroup is proceeding with co-applicants completing a required application to the Indian National Biodiversity Authority (NBA). The two subgroups will have an online meeting next month to update on the work process.
This is all for now for SC/SIG updates. All minutes of SIG/SC meetings can be viewed by APSA members by logging in APSA website and go to member area. Thank you very much and stay tuned for more updates next month. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Kunaporn Phuntunil
APSA Technical Coordination Manager
As part of APSA’s digitalization and digitization strategy, in 2022 we’re offering active members even more ways to directly reach Asia-Pacific seed industry decision makers directly -- in their inbox, on their desktop PCs, laptops, smartphone, tablets, and phablets alike, through our exciting new affiliate, sponsorship, marketing, communication, advertising and publicity opportunities.
We are pleased to announce our 2022 Digital Media Sponsorship Rates and Media Kit:
Don’t hesitate, INQUIRE NOW!
Email: (komsak@apsaseed.org) or Mike (mike@apsaseed.org)
Asian Seed magazine Vol. 28 No.2 (Quarter 2, April - June 2022)
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It’s all about public-private partnership and collaboration in Asian Seed & Planting Material Volume 28, Quarter Two issue, which includes seed sector news, events, announcements and updates from throughout the Asia-Pacific region and world in April, May and June 2022. The cover theme emphasizes regional collaborations and public-private partnerships to enhance breeding R&D. The issue includes coverage of the 2022 World Seed Congress, held in May in Barcelona; as well as ISTA’s annual meeting in Cairo Egypt, APSA-WorldVeg vegetable breeding consortium 2022 Field Day and the 2022 Asian Solanaceous Round Table both held in Bengaluru, where APSA signed an MoU with ICAR. We also hear reflections and insights from Dr. Peter Hanson of WorldVeg who was recently named most influential vegetable breeder (public sector) by APSAThere is also content about leading companies of the most recent Access to Seeds Index sharing best practices, Ukraine seed supply, gene-editing rules being eased in India, New Breeding Techniques trends update from Seed World, a story on protection of seed IPR under the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, and inside details of Thailand decriminalizing the use and cultivation of cannabis flowers and seeds. Moreover, we have our usual quarterly updates from APSA’s Special Interest Groups and Standing Committees, as well as Events Calendar of upcoming seed industry events in the region, and other APSA initiatives and programs and plans announced by APSA President Wichai Laocharoenporrnkul and Executive Director Dr. Kanokwan Chodchoey.
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