Quality Seed | Quality Life
October 2024 Newsletter
Dear APSA members and partners,
We are just a month away from the Asian Seed Congress 2024 in Sanya.
This year’s congress is set to make history as the most attended one in recent time. We have passed the 1,500 mark, with still some time left for more registrations and walk-ins. Quite fitting for our 30th anniversary celebration!
The APSA Secretariat is pulling out all the stops to make sure that our delegates have a fantastic congress experience. We would like to thank our National Organizing Committee (NOC) led by the China National Seed Trade Association for their active support.
First things first – make sure you have everything you need to get there. If you need a visa, please work on it ASAP. Visa information can be found here.
The Asian Seed Congress, while known primarily for its trading, exhibition and business elements, can also be thought of as a huge reunion of the seed community in Asia-Pacific. There, we see old and new friends, familiar and unfamiliar faces. Don’t miss the numerous networking opportunities in the form of social events like the Welcome Cocktail, APSA Young Club, Ladies Luncheon and the much-anticipated Grand Banquet.
Gathering in one place also allows us to discuss topics of common interest: the regulatory space in which all seed businesses operate, climate change and sustainability, and future talent. Have a look at the Technical Sessions program to see the excellent lineup of speakers on interesting and business-critical topics.
Finally, the Annual General Meeting (AGM) this year will be an important one. Attending the AGM will give you the opportunity to learn more about APSA’s current operations, progress, financial situation, and strategic direction. For voting representatives, you will also have the chance to exercise your right to vote in the election for vacancies in the Executive Committee (EC). Let your voice be heard by casting your vote.
See you all soon!
Best regards,
Ms. Francine Sayoc
APSA Executive Director
THANK YOU to our digital media sponsors
024 APSA Large Seed Vegetables & Brassicaceae Okra (LSVBO) Thank God It's Friday – Session 4
2024 APSA Large Seed Vegetables & Brassicaceae Okra (LSVBO) Thank God It's Friday – Session 4
APSA will be holding the 4th and final Session of the 2024 APSA LSVBO TGIF Webinar on Friday the 22nd of November 2024. This webinar will focus on Brassica & Cabbage, and will feature 2 guest speakers. To view the webinar agenda, speaker profile & abstract and for registration, please visit the official event webpage at https://web.apsaseed.org/events/2024-apsa-lsvbo-tgif-webinar-session-4
2024 Asian Seed Congress
The 2024 Asian Seed Congress will be held at the Mangrove Tree Resort Convention Center in Sanya, Hainan, China from the 2nd to the 6th of December 2024, and is co-hosted by the China National Seed Trade Association (CNSTA) with support from Sanya City Government and Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City (YZBTSC).
We are proud and excited to announce that we have reached an incredible milestone of over 1,500 registered delegates!
Congress Registration is NOW CLOSED. Any pending invoices for congress delegate registration will automatically be cancelled if payment is not received before the end of office day on Friday, 1 November 2024. Please also be advised that we will not accept any new registrations and if you still wish to attend the congress, then you would have to register ON-SITE. Details regarding On-site Registration & Day Pass Fees can be found https://web.apsaseed.org/asc2024/rate-sheet
We would like to share with all our members the ASC 2024 Travel Guide. This document can help with all your burning questions you may have regarding your trip to China, such as how to get to Sanya, immigration, climate, currency and payment, internet access, tourist attractions, recommend and helpful Chinese Phrases, and more. Click here to view and download the ASC2024 Travel Guide: https://www.apsaseed.org/storage/2024/10/ASC 2024 Travel Guide_254297.pdf
And with only 1 month until the congress, we highly recommend everyone to hurry to secure their China visa. Especially for delegates coming from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka as their visa application process can take some time.
And make sure to read up on all the various technical sessions we are having this year. Starting off with the Investment Opportunity in China session, a special APSA 30 Year Anniversary Forum, the InnoTech Showcase and most importantly, the 3 themed sessions on Our Business Landscape Today & Tomorrow; Accelerating & Safeguarding Innovation; and Moving Quality Seeds Across Borders.
For more information on how to register, congress agenda, official floor plan, China Visa & Import Policy, Technical Sessions and other congress related details, please visit the official event page at https://web.apsaseed.org/asc2024
Mike Kingapayom
APSA Event Manager
Standing Committees and Special Interest Groups
October is a busy month for all technical committees. First, they are happy that all APSA technical sessions are finalized (see program here). Second, they had the last committee meeting of the year to plan for the 2025 activities. All the committee members were very eager to propose new ideas, which will be submitted to APSA Executive Committee for approval during the Asian Seed Congress in Sanya. Let us see how they are moving forward next year:
SC International Trade & Quarantines
The SC ITQ will have a meeting with panelists for the preparation of the upcoming APSA ASC technical session in Sanya on the critical theme of "Moving Quality Seeds Across Borders," addressing the challenges and opportunities in international seed trade.
For next year, the SC ITQ will continue the APSA Flagship event of the 11th Phytosanitary Expert Consultation to be held on February 25 – 26, 2025 in Bangkok, Thailand. The group will also continue to advocate burning issues related to international trade and policy all year round.
Let us move to an update from Standing Committee on Seed Technology:
The working group of APSA Seed Technology webinar session 4 on seed packaging, Mr Kun Hao, Dr R. Rajasekaran and Dr Jagadish G.V. had another successful webinar session of the 2024 APSA Seed Technology Webinar Session 4 held on the Diwali and the Halloween, October 31, 2024!
It was an honor that the 2 well-known speakers have accepted the invitation, Dr Steven P.C. Groot, Deputy Director, International Seed Academy and Senior Scientist, Wageningen University & Research
on the Theory and advanced seed packaging technologies, while Mr Mark van der Wolf, Managing Director/CEO at Cremer Speciaalmachines B.V. presented on the topic of Seed counting technology. The Seed Technology webinar remains the most famous webinar in APSA as always.
For next year, the committee are all agreed to continue the APSA Seed Technology webinar series. They are also interested in having a physical ISTA workshop co-organized with APSA. And they will continue improving more content for APSA Seed Academy Program.
SC IPR & Biodiversity
This month the committee had the 4th quarter meeting on October 24th to finalize the ASC Technical session theme 2 on Accelerating and safeguarding innovation. They also discussed the focus areas of the group for activities in 2025 such as revisiting the APSA IP Position Papers, to brainstorm on educational activities related to ABS, DSI and ITPGRFA. More importantly, they started planning for the APSA Flagship Event of the second PVP and Biodiversity Consultation in 2025.
Next is an update from SIG Field Crops:
The SIG Field Crops committee had a very fruitful brainstorming session for the 2025 activities planning in the 4th quarter meeting on October 30th. They plan to continue the “APSA Field Crops webinar series”, which tentatively 2-3 times per year. Various topics are proposed to ensure to attract APSA members. Besides, they will plan well for the Field Crops study tour.
Moving to the Special Interest Group on Vegetables and Ornamentals
The committee had 2 hours meeting with subgroup members to agree on the 2025 activities to be proposed to APSA Executive Committee. This includes a plan for the Veg & Orn study tour next year and other activities of the subgroups:
The Working Group of Integrated Vegetable Seed Companies or WIC will have 2 physical meetings every April and December. For the April meeting, they propose to have a meeting in a country rather than Thailand to attach with one of the APSA Flagship events. The subgroup will also continue activities of the University Connect Program and the Disease Resistance Terminology Working Group (DRT) for both bitter gourd powdery mildew subgroup and the watermelon fusarium wilt subgroup.
For the R&D Advisory Group, they decided to hold a physical Solanaceae / Cucurbitaceae (ASRT/ACRT) Roundtable every alternate year. They will also continue a Thank God It’s Friday webinar series to focus on topics rather than a crop focus.
The Standing Committee on Plant Breeding Innovation
The SC PBI committee recently had its committee meeting this month to discuss and plan the activities for year 2025. A proposal of the APSA PBI Expert Consultation will be submitted to the Executive Committee later this year. This APSA PBI Expert Consultation will be held in the send half of 2025, with the objective of using the Case study to help regulators become familiar with data sets needed to be PBI exemption determinations to help with the assessment of applications. It will bring together policymakers, researchers, and seed associations.
The SC PBI committee will also maintain an active role in policy advocacy, focusing on policies that support the development and adoption of new plant breeding techniques across the region.
APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium
The 2-year project entitled “Advanced multi-disease resistant tomato lines as a key element for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to control whitefly and tomato leaf miner” is in its last call to the members as it will be closed by end of October. Please hurry up to register if you are interested in the project. For more details, pls click the link HERE.
The special project entitled “Developing new markets with better okra genetics: WorldVeg begomovirus resistant lines with improved horticultural traits to breed breakthrough F1 hybrids” is launched under the 2025 APSA-WorldVeg Vegetable Breeding Consortium, the project duration will be from Feb 1st, 2025, to Jan 31st, 2027. Registration will be closed by the end of October. Currently 33 members have registered and only 7 seats are left to reach the maximum number. Please hurry up to register from the LINK HERE to get a seat.
This is all for now for the short SC/SIG updates. Thank you very much and stay tuned for more updates next month.
Kunaporn Phuntunil
APSA Technical Coordination Manager
Virus outbreak in South Australia devastates tomato farms: October 15: A newly detected outbreak of the tomato brown rugose virus in South Australia is disrupting the nation’s tomato industry, risking hundreds of jobs . . .
Growers employ bugs to combat pests naturally: October 10: Farmers in South Australia are increasingly using integrated pest management (IPM), introducing beneficial insects to protect crops in the region’s 1,000 hectares of greenhouses—. . .
Mining Giant to explore seed oil for renewable diesel: September 18: Rio Tinto has announced plans to develop seed farms in Australia to test the viability of Pongamia seed oil . . .
More from Australia Seed News here.
Floods Devastate Rice Crops: October 20: Severe flooding in Bangladesh, caused by monsoon rains and upstream runoff, has destroyed approximately 1.1 million metric tons of rice. . . .
Fish Farmers Boost Profits with Off-season Watermelon: September 29: Around 6,200 farmers in Khulna are cultivating off-season watermelon on approximately 919 hectares of fish farms, enhancing yields and profits. . .
Agricultural Exports Show Signs of Recovery: September 18: After a gradual decline over the past three years, Bangladesh's agricultural product exports have slightly increased . . .
More from Bangladesh here.
Cashew-growing Area Map Aimed to Boost Production: October 26: Cambodia’s Ministry of Agriculture has launched a detailed map of cashew-growing areas across 11 provinces, providing data on locations, soil quality, and climate. . . .
More from Cambodia here.
Record Grain Output Expected: October 27: China is on track to surpass 700 million tonnes in grain output for the first time, marking a decade of stable growth in production. . .
Five-year Plan for Digital Transformation in Agriculture: October 25: China has introduced a 2024-2028 action plan to digitize its agriculture industry, aiming to establish a national big data platform and implement digital planting technologies. . . .
Calls for Strengthened IP Protection to Spur Innovation: October 15: Experts at a seminar held during the 2024 World AgriFood Innovation Conference called for stronger intellectual property protection in agriculture to drive innovation and rural revitalization. . . .
More from China here.
Farmers Replace Stubble Burning with Sustainable Practices: October 26: In Haryana's Sirsa district, farmers are using sustainable farming techniques to avoid stubble burning. . .
Monsoon Rains Hit Four-year High, Boosting Crop Prospects: October 2: India experienced a robust southwest monsoon season with rainfall at 108% of the long-period average (934.8 mm), its highest in four years. . .
Subsidy for Fertilizers Approved: September 18: The Cabinet has approved a provisional USD 2.9 billion subsidy for nutrient-based phosphatic and potassic (P&K) fertilizers for the Rabi season. . . .
Seed Park Initiative Announced: September 13: During the 8th FSII Annual General Meeting in New Delhi, Uttar Pradesh agriculture minister Surya Pratap Shahi called for greater investment in the seed industry. . .
More from India here
3 Million Hectares of New Rice fields Planned: October 25: Indonesia aims to create 3 million hectares of rice fields to address declining farmland and rising food demand. . .
More from Indonesia here
Rice Farmers Adopt Heat-resistant Strains: October 19: In Japan’s Okayama Prefecture, rice farmers began early harvests due to extreme heat, which has led to lower yields and quality in recent years. . .
Agriculture Ministry Addresses Rice Shortage: September 5: Japan’s agriculture ministry met with farmers, cooperatives, wholesalers, and food producers to discuss rice shortages and ensure steady distribution. . . .
More from Japan here
Climate Disruption Hits Food Supply, Drives Up Prices: October 28: South Korea experienced an extreme heat wave during early October, prompting 681 heat warnings and leading to major food supply disruptions. . . .
Rising Temperatures Threaten Kimchi Cabbage Production: September 3: In Gangwon Province kimchi cabbage fields dwindle as rising temperatures and soil diseases strain crops. . . .
More from Korea here
Support for Palm Oil Growers with Sustainability Initiatives: October 29: Malaysia is intensifying efforts to enhance palm oil smallholders' operational efficiency and yields nationwide, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, . . .
IP Protection for Musang King Durian Renewed: September 23: Malaysia’s Intellectual Property Corporation has extended intellectual property protection for the iconic Musang King durian until 2034, . . .
More from Malaysia here
Government Announces Subsidies and Loans for Farmers: October 27: Agriculture Minister Ramnath Adhikari announced efforts to ensure government subsidies and concessional loans reach actual farmers, .
USD 6 Billion Crops Lost from Floods and Landslides: October 9: Recent floods and landslides in Nepal have led to an estimated USD 6 billion in losses across agriculture and livestock sectors, . . .
More from Nepal here
Taranaki Farmers Find Success with Angelica Cultivation: October 25: Farmers in New Zealand's Taranaki region are embracing the herb angelica as part of the Branching Out diversification project, . . .
Conference on Agricultural Emissions & Climate Change: October 22, 2024: The upcoming New Zealand Agriculture & Climate Change Conference, scheduled for December 3-4, 2024, . . .
More from New Zealand here
Programme Aims to Revitalize Youth Participation in Agriculture: October 29: The Punjab Youth Internship Programme has the potential to reshape the province's agriculture sector by equipping young farmers with modern agricultural techniques. . .
Monsoon Rains Aid Pakistan’s Kharif Crops: September 22: This year’s monsoon rains have generally benefited kharif crops like paddy, sugarcane, and cotton, which cover 11.4 million acres in Punjab. . . .
Draft Agriculture Policy Seeks to Protect Farmers: September 18: Punjab’s new Agriculture Policy draft recommends transparent crop marketing systems to ensure fair prices for farmers, reducing their reliance on middlemen who often manipulate prices and impose high-interest rates and commissions. . . .
Amended Seed Bill 2024 for Reviewed for Final Approval: September 14: The National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Food Security and Research has directed the Ministry of National Food Security to gather provincial input within ten days on the Seed (Amendment) Bill 2024. . . .
More from Pakistan here
Tropical Storm Kristine Destroys Rice and Corn Crops: October 26: Severe Tropical Storm Kristine has caused around USD 1.39 million in initial agricultural damage, . . .
Tropical Storm Enteng Devastates Agriculture Sector: September 6: Tropical Storm Enteng has inflicted around USD 11.3 million in damage across 22,309 hectares. . .
More from the Philippines here
Govt. Backs Drone Use to Modernize Agriculture: October 29: Deputy Prime Minister Prasert Jantararuangtong announced government support to enhance farmers' access to drones, emphasizing their role in agricultural land management, disaster mitigation, and logistics. . .
Floods Disrupt Agriculture, Causing Vegetable Price Increases: September 2: Severe flooding in multiple Thai provinces has disrupted agricultural supplies, with vegetable prices seeing sharp increases, according to the Commerce Ministry. . . .
More from Thailand here
Satellite and Drone Technology Used for Precision Watering: October 3: Scientists at Samsun Ondokuz Mayıs University (OMÜ) have developed an advanced irrigation system leveraging satellite and drone technology to optimize water use in agriculture. . . .
New Wheat Varieties Offer Higher Yields and Quality: September 25: In Sivas, Türkiye, agricultural R&D efforts spanning 14 years have led to the development of three new bread wheat varieties by scientists at the Agricultural Sciences and Technology Faculty. . . .
More from Turkiye here
Cold-Weather Crop Production Expanded to Meet Demand: October 26: Ha Nam province is increasing cold-weather crop production across 8,000 hectares, . . .
Vietnamese Coconuts and Pomelos Gain Trademark Protection in Canada: October 2: Bến Tre Province’s green coconuts and pomelos have received certified trademark protection in Canada. . . .
Low-Emission Rice Model Achieves Success: September 19: The Dak Lak Department of Agriculture and Rural Development's low-emission rice pilot in Binh Hoa commune yielded promising results. . . .
More from Viet Nam here
Seed Industry News by country in alphabetical order
Australia |
Bangladesh |
Cambodia |
China |
India |
Indonesia |
Japan |
Korea, South |
Laos |
Malaysia |
Myanmar |
Nepal |
New Zealand |
Pakistan |
Philippines |
Singapore |
Sri Lanka |
Thailand |
Turkiye |
Vietnam |
Central Asia |
Middle East |
International |
As part of APSA’s sustained digitalization and digitization efforts, in 2023 we’re offering active members even more ways to directly reach Asia-Pacific seed industry decision makers -- in their inbox, on their desktop PCs, laptops, smartphone, tablets, and phablets alike, through our exciting new affiliate, sponsorship, marketing, communication, advertising and publicity opportunities.
We are pleased to announce our 2023 Digital Media Sponsorship Rates and Media Kit:
Don’t hesitate, INQUIRE NOW!
Email: (komsak@apsaseed.org) or Mike (mike@apsaseed.org)
Asian Seed magazine Vol. 30 No.3 (Quarter 3, July - September 2024)
In this Q3 issue of Volume 30, we pay tribute to APSA’s late founder and visionary, Mogens Lemonius, who passed away in June. We republish a first-person account from Mogens, originally featured in 2017, where he reflects on his journey to Bangkok and the pivotal role he played in bringing together the right people to form what is now the largest regional seed association in the world.
Additionally, we include a heartfelt tribute from his close friend and long-time APSA ally, Michael Turner. This edition also covers key events organized by APSA over the past few months, including the Asian Solanaceous and Cucurbits Round Table, the regional MUSP Workshop in Hanoi, a gene-editing workshop in Thailand, and the EAPVP annual forum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Quarterly updates from APSA’s President, Executive Director, and technical committees are featured, alongside international seed industry insights from Seed World. Furthermore, we present a Q&A with the CEO of a leading Korean seed company, offering his perspectives on the challenges and solutions for national and regional food and seed security.
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